Selfish Postcards Collages

Unique Collages Reflecting the Soul of Selfies

The Native Americans believed that a camera is capable of capturing a person's soul. Designer Sharon Webber-Zvik explores the concept of genuine and exposing selfies through her thought-provoking series of collages.

Selfies have become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives, selling perfection and seeking immediate feedback. However, Sharon Webber-Zvik, a talented designer, challenges this notion by presenting a series of collages that delve into the depths of the soul. Inspired by the Native American belief and her own discomfort with having her picture taken, Webber-Zvik aims to capture the true essence of a selfie, one that goes beyond beauty and filters.

What sets the "Selfish Postcards Collages" apart is the use of anatomic illustrations to express the inner layers of emotions and the pain that comes with exposing oneself. Each collage tells a unique story, with motifs such as flowers representing ideas and the inner world, and horns symbolizing the difference from societal norms while also providing protection.

The series was initially published on social media platforms, with each collage revealed gradually over a month. The public responses and requests for prints led Webber-Zvik to create a bigger collage, showcasing all nine collages together. Using modern Adobe Photoshop technologies, she digitally assembled the images, ensuring a clear connection between the collages and their order of presentation.

While the original images were created in a square format suitable for social media, the demand for physical prints prompted Webber-Zvik to moderate the series and create printable postcards. The postcards, measuring 10cm by 15cm, were not simply sent out without thought. Each set of nine postcards was carefully wrapped in special paper, sealed with a stick designed by the artist, and accompanied by a short description of the project.

Throughout September 2016, Webber-Zvik worked on this project from her studio in Israel, but the responses and contributions came from all over the world. She made sure to send printed copies to anyone who requested them, regardless of their location. The project's final stage can be found on its dedicated Facebook page, which serves as an open notebook documenting the journey.

Webber-Zvik's research for this project began with a personal experience of being asked to take a selfie for marketing purposes. This sparked her curiosity about the true nature of selfies and whether they can be considered art. Combining old and new images, she sought to understand and expose the emotions that people often blur or dislike.

The main challenge in creating this series was the artist's own fear of expressing her inner self and the uncertainty of how it would be received. However, the responses she received were overwhelmingly positive, proving that there is a place for raw and authentic self-expression in the world of selfies.

Sharon Webber-Zvik holds the copyrights for the "Selfish Postcards Collages" series, which was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in 2017. This prestigious award recognizes designs that exhibit strong technical and creative skills, contributing to improvements in quality of life.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Sharon Webber-Zvik
Image Credits: Sharon Webber-Zvik
Project Team Members: Sharon Webber-Zvik
Project Name: Selfish Collages
Project Client: Sharon Webber-Zvik

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