Unmasking Emotion: The Billy Julie Mask by Naai-Jung Shih

Exploring Micro-Expressions Through Innovative Design

Naai-Jung Shih's award-winning mask design, Billy Julie, offers a unique exploration of human emotion and micro-expressions. Inspired by the complexities of human personality, this innovative design invites users to examine their own conscience and sense of self.

The Billy Julie mask is not just a piece of art; it's a tool for introspection. The design was inspired by micro-expressions, fleeting facial expressions that reveal our true emotions. The mask's name, Billy Julie, represents two contrasting personalities, reflecting the multifaceted nature of human emotion. The mask serves as an interface and an interpreter, encouraging users to reflect on their own emotions and how they interact with the world.

What sets the Billy Julie mask apart is its unique design process. The 3D shape of the mask was created through parametric adjustment of a ladder-like geometry based on an entangled curve with partitions. The mask was then produced using Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) Rapid-Prototyping technology, resulting in a white nylon base model. The mask was then painted in two contrasting tones to represent the personalities of Billy and Julie, further enhanced with a rusted metal finish.

The mask measures 28cm*19cm*10cm and is made of nylon material, coated with layers of metallic paint. The interaction with the mask involves looking inside it, putting it on and experiencing the world through its asymmetric openings, and standing in front of a mirror to see oneself as others might see them. This interaction is intended to provoke thought and self-examination.

The project began in 2010 in Taipei, Taiwan. The design was based on research into micro-expressions, which are brief, subconscious expressions that reveal true emotions. The mask metaphor was created to enhance and exaggerate these micro-expressions, offering a new form of communication.

The design faced several challenges, including the complexity of human facial expressions and the technical difficulties of producing the mask. However, the final product successfully illustrates various expressions on the same mask, offering a unique exploration of human emotion. The Billy Julie mask was awarded Silver in the A' Fine Arts and Art Installation Design Award in 2017, a testament to its innovative design and profound exploration of human emotion.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Naai-Jung Shih
Image Credits: Images and photo credit: Naai-Jung Shih Paint credit: Kangming Fei
Project Team Members: Naai-Jung Shih
Project Name: Billy Julie
Project Client: Naai-Jung Shih

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