Smog Free Project: A Vision of a Cleaner Future

Daan Roosegaarde's Innovative Design Tackles Air Pollution

Inspired by the smog-filled skies of Beijing, Dutch artist and innovator Daan Roosegaarde embarked on a mission to combat air pollution. His solution, the Smog Free Project, is a unique blend of design, technology, and environmental activism that not only cleans the air but also turns pollutants into stunning pieces of jewelry.

Daan Roosegaarde's Smog Free Project is a part of his larger oeuvre 'Landscapes of the Future', which aims to improve the quality of life in urban environments by connecting people, technology, and space. The project is composed of two main elements: the Smog Free Tower and Smog Free Jewelry. The Tower, the world's largest air purifier, cleans 30,000m3 of air per hour using patented ion technology and green electricity. The collected smog particles are then compressed and transformed into tangible souvenirs - rings and cuff-links, known as Smog Free Jewelry. Each piece of jewelry represents a donation of 1000m3 of clean air.

The Smog Free Tower, standing seven meters high, creates a bubble of clean air, allowing citizens to experience clean air for free. The Tower captures and collects more than 75% of the PM2.5 and PM10 airborne smog particles and releases clean air around the tower with a 360-degree coverage, creating an almost circular zone of clean air in its surroundings.

During a 41-day period, the Smog Free Tower cleaned a volume of 30 million m3 of Beijing’s air, equivalent to the volume of 10 Beijing National Stadiums. It captured billions of harmful PM2.5 airborne particles. The smog particles collected from the Smog Free Tower in Beijing were used to make a special limited edition of Smog Free Jewelry, a tangible souvenir of clean air.

Each unique ring is individually crafted by Roosegaarde’s design team. The new Beijing version of the ring accommodates more smog than its predecessor from Rotterdam and contributes to the development of the project and its global tour. The Smog Free Project is developed by Daan Roosegaarde in collaboration with the engineers and designers of Studio Roosegaarde, ENS Technology and early advisor Ursem.

The Smog Free Project has not only been recognized for its innovative design but also for its contribution to societal wellbeing. In 2017, it was awarded Platinum in A' Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design Award. The award recognizes world-class, exceptional, and highly innovative designs that showcase unmatched professionalism, genius, and contribute to societal wellbeing.

The Smog Free Project is more than just a design innovation; it is a vision of a cleaner future. It offers a unique sensual experience of a clean future and is a testament to the power of design and technology in tackling global issues. As the Smog Free Tower continues its tour around more cities in China and across the world, it brings with it a breath of fresh air and a promise of a cleaner, healthier future.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Daan Roosegaarde
Image Credits: Studio Roosegaarde
Project Team Members: Smog Free Project is developed by Daan Roosegaarde in collaboration with the engineers and designers of Studio Roosegaarde, ENS Technology and early advisor Ursem (till 2013).
Project Name: Smog Free Project
Project Client: Daan Roosegaarde

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