Pallet: A Fusion of Sustainability and Contemporary Design

Unconventional Use of Wooden Pallets in Restaurant Decor

In the cosmopolitan city of Bangalore, a unique restaurant and microbrewery, Pallet, has emerged as a symbol of sustainable design and innovation. Designed by Ketan Jawdekar, Pallet showcases the unconventional use of recycled wooden pallets, creating an international appeal that attracts a diverse clientele.

The inspiration for Pallet came from Bangalore's lesser-known identity as a hub for wooden pallet manufacturing. The client's desire for a world cuisine experience led to the idea of recycling these wooden pallets, creating a fusion of sustainable materials and contemporary design. The result is a unique hospitality space that stays fresh and appealing, reflecting future design trends.

What sets Pallet apart is its design philosophy of repetition. The restaurant's interior decor features patterns and textures generated by the repeated use of a single module - the wooden pallet. Despite the raw state of the materials used, the restaurant exudes an international look that even attracts expats from the city.

The realization of this design involved the challenging task of recycling used wooden pallets. These pallets were sorted for finish and quality, and all designs were evolved from a single pallet module. The aim was to achieve zero wastage, with certain wall treatments like the Private Dining Room (PDR), open kitchen, and ceiling of the bar area designed based on wastage calculations. The weight of the pallets to be suspended from the ceiling was also a key structural consideration.

The restaurant, located on the ground level of a commercial complex, is a vast, linear space. The challenge was to break the linear feel of the space without compromising on the quality of space. This was achieved by designing modules of wooden pallets in a certain pattern along the column grid and the exterior wall, providing a sense of privacy without compromising on visual continuity.

Pallet's unique design has not gone unnoticed. In 2018, it was awarded the Golden A' Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design Award, a prestigious accolade granted to outstanding creations that advance art, science, design, and technology. This recognition is a testament to the innovative and sustainable design approach of Ketan Jawdekar and his team.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ketan Jawdekar
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Sameer Chawda Image #2: Photographer Sameer Chawda Image #3: Photographer Sameer Chawda Image #4: Photographer Sameer Chawda Image #5: Photographer Sameer Chawda
Project Team Members: Ketan Jawdekar Elham Mirza Esmail
Project Name: Brewhouse
Project Client: Ketan Jawdekar

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