ABB's Mylos Etik: A Sustainable Leap in Design Innovation

ABB Italian Wiring Accessories Team's Award-Winning Bioplastic Cover Frame

ABB Italian Wiring Accessories Team's Mylos Etik, a sustainable design marvel, has been awarded the Silver A' Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design Award in 2017. This innovative design, inspired by simplicity and sustainability, introduces a new cutting-edge material - bioplastic, to the Italian switch assortment.

The ABB Italian Wiring Accessories Team, led by Franco Colombo and designer Matteo Costa, has created an innovative cover frame that stands out from the crowd. The team's commitment to meeting customer expectations for design, technology, and product range has resulted in the creation of the Mylos Etik. The design's unique properties lie in its sustainable approach, using bioplastic as a material, which is not only natural but also allows for full recyclability.

Mylos Etik's design is a testament to ABB's commitment to sustainable design and technology. The clean lines and simplification of details, coupled with two new matte colors - black and white, provide a total matte look. This aesthetic and functional integration with the current Mylos switch assortment further enhances the product's appeal.

The realization of this design was guided by the sustainability of the entire product lifecycle. The one-piece design reduces the number of components, using a single molding operation with a bacterial bioplastic material. This material is compostable, recyclable, and significantly reduces the carbon footprint of the material production. The staining method also preserves the eco-sustainability of the product, with dyes added in very low percentages during the molding process, avoiding any surface coating.

The Mylos Etik measures 118 mm x 15.2 mm x 88 mm. Even the packaging aligns with the objective of sustainability. It consists of a single sheet of recyclable cardboard, further minimizing the environmental impact. This design, tagged with keywords such as Biopolymer, Cover Frame, Natural, Sustainable, Sustainability, ABB, and Wiring Accessories, is a true embodiment of ABB's commitment to sustainable design and technology.

The Silver A' Design Award, which Mylos Etik won, is awarded to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. These designs, admired for their strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder. The Mylos Etik, with its sustainable design and innovative use of bioplastic, truly deserves this recognition.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Matteo Costa
Image Credits: Matteo Costa
Project Team Members: R&D: Franco Colombo Designer: Matteo Costa
Project Name: Mylos Etik
Project Client: Matteo Costa

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Mylos Etik IMG #5

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