Foco Shopping Mall

Design by Zheng SongLing


The Foco Shopping Mall, designed by Zheng SongLing, is a unique and innovative retail space that breaks away from traditional store concepts. Inspired by the experience of space and shopping guide consumption, this design combines elements of nature, modernity, and light industry to create a space that is both fashionable and artistic. With a focus on showcasing sales and providing an experiential shopping experience, Foco Shopping Mall stands out as a truly unique and captivating design.

By incorporating lovely animal elements as a theme display and integrating intimate art displays such as yarn, the visual effects of Foco Shopping Mall are truly one-of-a-kind. The use of red brick, metal, acrylic paint, and wood in the realization of this design adds to its unique charm. The total area of the mall is approximately 700 square meters, with a height of 4.5 meters.

One of the key strengths of Foco Shopping Mall is its ability to create a dynamic and interactive environment. The space is not limited to retail, but rather aims to provide a wide range of fresh experiences for visitors. This approach fosters high loyalty among consumers and transforms them from mere customers to enthusiastic fans. The design encourages active participation and engagement, making the shopping experience more enjoyable and memorable.

Located in Foshan, Guangdong, the Foco Shopping Mall project was exhibited at the Beijing Museum in October 2016. The design was created with careful research and consideration, combining the intentions of space and shopping guide consumption with natural and modern design elements. The result is a diversified life experience space that not only showcases products but also creates a relaxed and inviting atmosphere.

Foco Shopping Mall faced several challenges during its creation, including a limited budget and tight deadlines. However, Zheng SongLing's creative approach and attention to detail ensured that the design met the client's high expectations. The focus on enhancing the overall user experience, from product display to marketing and sales, sets Foco Shopping Mall apart from traditional retail spaces.

This exceptional design has been recognized with the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2017. This prestigious award celebrates designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving quality of life. Foco Shopping Mall exemplifies these qualities, making it a standout design in the industry.

Image Credits: Image #1, Image #2, Image #3, Image #4, and Image #5 provided by Zheng SongLing.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: ZHENG SONGLING
Image Credits: Image # 1: provided by Zheng Songling Image # 2: Provided by Zheng Songling Image # 3: provided by Zheng Songling Image # 4: provided by Zheng Songling Image # 5: provided by Zheng Songling
Project Team Members: ZHENG SONGLING
Project Name: Foco shopping mall
Project Client: ZHENG SONGLING

Foco shopping mall IMG #2
Foco shopping mall IMG #3
Foco shopping mall IMG #4
Foco shopping mall IMG #5
Foco shopping mall IMG #5

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