Oversafe: A Rescue Bridge for Migrants in the Mediterranean

Designing a Safe and Efficient Transhipment Solution

Every year, thousands of migrants risk their lives crossing the treacherous Mediterranean Sea in search of a better future. The transhipment process, where migrants transfer from one boat to another, is particularly dangerous and has resulted in numerous fatalities. Italian designer Giorgio Gaudio recognized this pressing issue and developed Oversafe, a rescue bridge that aims to make the transhipment process safer and more efficient.

By analyzing video footage from the Italian Coast Guard, Gaudio identified the key problems and needs of those involved in transhipment. Many migrants have tragically lost their lives by jumping and falling into the water during this process. Gaudio's solution is a table-top bridge that connects the two boats, taking up minimal space while ensuring safety, ease of handling, affordability, and production feasibility.

The Oversafe bridge is constructed using thermal welding between the structure and the boat, with metal parts welded together for added strength. It incorporates ball bearings and assembly rails for smooth sliding, as well as strategically placed holes to allow water to flow through. The materials used include anodized aluminum, steel, and rope.

Measuring 2000 mm x 600 mm x 1000 mm, Oversafe provides a secure platform for migrants to cross from one boat to another. During a rescue operation, the patrol boat positions itself alongside the boat carrying the migrants. The bridge is then slid out from the patrol boat, with a metal beveled tooth at the end serving to secure the bridge to the patrol boat. Once the transhipment is complete, the bridge is slid back and rotated 90 degrees for easy storage. This entire operation can be carried out by a single person.

The Oversafe project began in November 2014 in Turin and was completed in 2015 in Reggio Emilia. It was exhibited at the IAAD University in January 2017. Gaudio's research involved collaborating with the Red Cross, Italian Navy, migrants, and other stakeholders. By using the Design Thinking method and participatory design, he aimed to reduce deaths in the Mediterranean and create a solution that truly addressed the needs of those involved.

Despite the complexity of the field and challenges faced, Gaudio persevered. He encountered political and demagogic opposition, as some individuals failed to see migrants as a resource and instead viewed them solely as a problem. Finding a company willing to produce Oversafe proved difficult, and intervention from the Italian Interior Ministry was necessary.

Oversafe has garnered recognition for its innovative design and social impact. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in 2017, which recognizes well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. This accolade highlights Oversafe's ability to integrate industry best practices and technical characteristics, ultimately contributing to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Giorgio Gaudio
Image Credits: Image #1 Designer Giorgio Gaudio Image #2 Designer Giorgio Gaudio Image #3 Designer Giorgio Gaudio Image #4 Designer Giorgio Gaudio Image #5 Designer Giorgio Gaudio Video Credits: Editor Giorgio Gaudio
Project Team Members: Creative Director: Roberta Destefanis Architect: Alessandro Grella
Project Name: Oversafe
Project Client: Giorgio Gaudio

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Oversafe IMG #3
Oversafe IMG #4
Oversafe IMG #5
Oversafe IMG #5

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