15°: A Dance of Asymmetry and Balance

Yizhou Chen's Interaction Lamp, a Silver A' Design Award Winner

Yizhou Chen, a visionary designer, has created a remarkable piece of art that plays with the inherent human desire for order and balance. His interaction lamp, named 15°, is a testament to the beauty of asymmetry and balance, and has been recognized with a prestigious Silver A' Design Award.

Chen's inspiration for 15° came from the concept of asymmetry. He believes that asymmetry is not merely defined by its physical presence, but also by its super balance. This balance, in turn, creates a unique form of asymmetry. He describes this as the "condensation of stories of the encounter with the place."

The 15° lamp is more than just a two-dimensional graphic. It is a sculptural form that is pleasing to the eye and invites interaction. To turn the lamp on, one simply has to push the "fin" of the lampshade away. To turn it off, the fin is pulled towards oneself. This simple interaction is made possible by a magnet and rail inside the switch structure that automatically attract the connection and close the loop circuit.

The lamp was created using Rhino for model creation, wood working for material preparation, Rhino Cam for CNC, laser cutting for switch structure, and acrylic bending for material preparation. The final product measures 18 inches in width, 18 inches in depth, and 54 inches in height.

The project started in December 2015 in Detroit and was completed in March 2016. It was exhibited at the Cranbrook Academy of Art degree show. During the design process, Chen faced the challenge of creating a form that was as simple as possible, yet still met people's inherent desire for order and balance. He overcame this challenge through form study and by focusing on essential forms and function to realize the communication between the users and the product.

The 15° lamp was awarded Silver in the A' Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award in 2017. This award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. These designs, admired for their strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Chen Yizhou
Image Credits: Image #1 Photographer Xiaochen Huo / Yizhou Chen Image #2 Photographer Xiaochen Huo / Yizhou Chen Image #3 Photographer Xiaochen Huo / Yizhou Chen Image #4 Photographer Xiaochen Huo / Yizhou Chen
Project Team Members: Chen Yizhou
Project Name: 15 degree
Project Client: Chen Yizhou

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