Cutting-edge of Nature: A Design Marvel by Ryoji Iedokoro

Unveiling the Unique Design Elements of NIKUNOTORIKO Restaurant

Immerse in the exploration of the 'Cutting-edge of Nature', an award-winning restaurant design by Ryoji Iedokoro. This article delves into the inspiration, unique properties, and realization technology behind this innovative design.

Stepping into the NIKUNOTORIKO restaurant, one is immediately transported into a different realm. The design, inspired by the primal joy of barbecuing with friends in nature, combines the comfort of a riverside setting with the shelter of a cave. Ryoji Iedokoro, the mastermind behind this design, aimed to create a space that appeals not just to the visual senses, but also to touch and emotion, making it a memorable experience for visitors.

The restaurant's unique properties lie in its detailed execution. The first floor is designed to resemble a cave so realistic that it invokes a desire to touch it. The second floor, on the other hand, features walls with plantings and steel pipes imitating trees, creating a nature-like ambiance. The floor's level differences, made of OSB panel layers, give an impression of undulating level curves and a feeling of stepping on uneven ground.

The design's realization technology is equally impressive. A specially constructed 6.5-meter glass table, made using recycled and colored glass, gives the illusion of captured smoke. This unique feature, combined with the overall design, creates an atmosphere reminiscent of the dining environment of the earliest humans.

The project, which started in July 2016 and finished in December 2016 in Japan, faced several challenges. The contour lines were all hand-drawn, and any misalignment of shapes and lines was adjusted by creating a 3D simulation model. Every single OSB panel had to be shaped before carry-in, and precise direction was required to create the contours of the ground.

The 'Cutting-edge of Nature' design has been recognized for its innovation and excellence. It was awarded the Golden A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2017, a prestigious accolade granted to trendsetting creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom. This design is a testament to Ryoji Iedokoro's ability to create spaces that not only appeal to the senses but also leave a lasting impression.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: RYOJI IEDOKORO
Project Name: Cutting-edge of Nature
Project Client: RYOJI IEDOKORO

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