Bio Harmonex: The Future of Health Tech

Co & Co Designcommunication's Innovative Bio-resonance Device

Co & Co Designcommunication introduces Bio Harmonex, an innovative electromagnetic generating device inspired by the Earth's magnetic field. This groundbreaking design, awarded Silver in A' Digital and Electronic Device Design Award in 2017, aims to improve health and wellness by simulating the beneficial effects of the Earth's electromagnetic field on the human body.

The Bio Harmonex is a unique device that stands out from conventional IT gadgets with its organic design inspired by nature. The designers were keen to distinguish it from a smartphone, focusing on its primary function of generating a bio-resonance magnetic field. The device's exterior design is a testament to this focus, with an oval form reminiscent of natural objects like pebbles.

The technology behind Bio Harmonex is as impressive as its design. The device is made from an injection-molded polycarbonate enclosure, electronics, a touchscreen, a magnetic field generating panel, and a battery. Its dimensions are 141 x 78 x 25 mm, and it comes in a cardboard box measuring 180 x 180 x 40 mm.

Using the Bio Harmonex is a seamless experience thanks to its ergonomic touchscreen. Users can easily start the selected magnetic therapy programs, set them into favorites, and even set them for automatic running. The device also includes a "my-bio" application to optimize the user's daily routine.

The development of the Bio Harmonex began in 2014 in Hungary, and by 2017, the project was completed. The device is now being showcased on various design forums. The research behind the device is based on the understanding that the electromagnetic field triggers, regulates, and coordinates the chemical processes of the body's cells. Influencing this electromagnetic field externally may help ensure optimum functioning of the metabolism.

Designing the Bio Harmonex was not without its challenges. The designers aimed to capture the device's basic function, "the soul", through its design. This led to the inclusion of a pulsing inside light that references the magnetic resonance and harmony, elements that are not perceptible to humans. The challenge was to break away from traditional phones and IT gadgets and create the oval form which refers to natural forms.

In conclusion, the Bio Harmonex is a testament to Co & Co Designcommunication's innovative approach to design and technology. This device not only stands out for its unique design but also for its potential to revolutionize the health tech industry. The Bio Harmonex is a shining example of how design can be used to improve health and wellness, and it sets a high bar for future innovations in the field.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Co&Co Designcommunication
Image Credits: All photos: I. Oravecz, 2017
Project Team Members: Co&Co Designcommunication
Project Name: BIO HARMONEX
Project Client: Co&Co Designcommunication


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