Alaska Bush People: A Modern Portrait Series with an Antique Feel

Photography that Captures the Essence of the Alaskan Wilderness

Print Campaign for Discovery Channel

Renowned photographer Jason Elias takes us on a visual journey with his captivating portrait series, "Alaska Bush People." Inspired by classic Westerns and documentary photography of the 1970s, Elias brings a modern twist to the rugged and rustic lifestyle of the show's cast.

Elias's goal was to create a series of portraits that not only showcased the unique personalities of the cast but also conveyed a sense of the antique and rustic environment they inhabit. To achieve this, he used a refined and sophisticated lighting technique, reminiscent of magical-realism, to emphasize the characters' individuality.

The environment plays a crucial role in Elias's photography, acting as a character itself. The cast members, who live outside society, are deeply connected to their surroundings. By capturing them in rustic settings, Elias highlights the importance of place in shaping their lives.

Using Borncolor Siros L strobes with ProFoto Softboxes and Soft Eggcrates, Elias masterfully illuminates the cast members while maintaining a sense of intimacy. The absence of an outer diffusion layer allows the refined lighting technique to shine through, adding to the overall enchanting effect.

All the photos were shot in full-frame 35-megapixel RAW format using Canon 5D Mark IV cameras with 50mm and 35mm L Prime Lenses. Elias shot tethered to a Mac running Capture One and made adjustments in Adobe Lightroom to achieve the desired aesthetic.

The images from "Alaska Bush People" have been used across various marketing channels worldwide, including advertising posters, print campaigns, online platforms, and streaming services. They have also been incorporated into on-air lower thirds, helping to shape the narrative and engage viewers with the show's unique story.

This captivating portrait series was shot in both Alaska and Colorado in early 2017, showcasing the cast members' connection to the wilderness. Elias's research drew inspiration from the work of Gregory Crewdson, known for his slightly magical imagery, as well as the rugged qualities of revisionist Westerns from the 1970s.

Despite the challenges of capturing the essence of these unconventional individuals, Elias successfully portrayed their choice to live outside societal norms as a rational decision. Through his lens, he reveals the honesty and authenticity of their unconventional lives.

Jason Elias's "Alaska Bush People" portrait series is a testament to the power of photography to tell compelling stories. With its blend of modernity and antique charm, this series captures the essence of the Alaskan wilderness and the unique individuals who call it home.

Image Credit: Jason Elias

Award: Bronze A' Design Award in Photography and Photo Manipulation Design Category, 2018

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Jason Elias
Image Credits: Photographer Jason Elias
Project Team Members: Lara Richardson - EVP Marketing Discovery Channel Jason Turner - Creative Director Discovery Channel
Project Name: Alaska Bush People
Project Client: Jason Elias

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