Outdoor Man: A Unique Blend of Design and Nature

Exploring the Award-Winning Design of Hung Ho-Pei's Outdoor Supply Store

In the bustling city of Tainan, Taiwan, a unique outdoor supply store stands out not just for its products, but for its innovative design. This is the story of Outdoor Man, a commercial display designed by Hung Ho-Pei, which won the Golden A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2018.

Outdoor Man's design is inspired by the natural environment and the human connection to it. The logo, a triangular fingerprint, symbolizes people and their relationship with nature. It also resembles a tent, representing the outdoor goods sold in the store. This logo is not just a symbol, but a reflection of the store's mission to inspire people to find meaning in life through their interactions with nature and outdoor activities.

The store's interior design is a physical manifestation of this mission. The triangular display stands, reminiscent of mountainous wilderness, challenge and engage the customers, much like the outdoor environment they represent. The layout of the store is categorized by functionality, with a design style that is pleasant and inviting. The use of wood colors throughout the store signifies the simplicity and authenticity of outdoor life.

Outdoor Man is not just a store, but a statement on the importance of outdoor activities in our lives. Whether it's for stress relief, embracing challenges, or simply exercising, the store advocates for the importance of spending time outdoors, especially for urban dwellers. This message is reflected in every aspect of the store's design, from the logo to the interior layout.

The realization of this design was not without its challenges. The designer had to express the complex idea of the intimate connection among people, goods, and environments in a way that was visually appealing and meaningful. The result is a design that is not only functional but also deeply symbolic, a testament to the designer's creativity and skill.

The design of Outdoor Man is a perfect example of how design can be used to convey a message and inspire change. It's not just about selling products, but about promoting a lifestyle and a philosophy. The success of this design is a testament to the talent and vision of its designer, Hung Ho-Pei, and his team. It's a reminder that design is not just about aesthetics, but about creating spaces that reflect our values and aspirations.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Chia-Yen Hung
Image Credits: Hsieh Hsin-Ye
Project Team Members: Hung Ho-Pei, Hsieh Hsin-Ye
Project Name: OUTDOOR MAN
Project Client: Chia-Yen Hung


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