Airnergy: An App for Reducing Energy Consumption

Combining Gaming and Utility Features to Motivate Users

Air pollution is one of the world's biggest problems, often overlooked by city dwellers. Designer Manjia Zhao recognized the need for a solution that would make air pollution more relatable and motivate individuals to take action. Inspired by the power of gaming, Zhao created Airnergy, a mobile app that combines gaming and utility features to encourage users to reduce their daily energy consumption and make a positive impact on the environment.

Airnergy stands out from other energy-saving apps with its unique approach. By generating real-world energy consumption data in the virtual world, the app motivates users to reduce their energy usage and, in turn, reduce air pollution. The app uses a reward system, known as gamification, to engage users and keep them motivated on their energy-saving journey.

The app operates as a smartphone game, allowing users to compete with friends and strive for better scores. Each player has a virtual garden space that they can decorate as they wish. However, the in-game environment changes based on the user's real-life energy consumption data. To maintain a clean and beautiful garden in the game, users must actively reduce their energy consumption in real life.

Airnergy goes beyond just tracking energy usage. Users can also participate in green activities, such as tree planting, or purchase energy-saving products to earn bonus points. These points can be used to buy in-game products that enhance the appearance of their virtual gardens, providing further motivation for users to save energy.

The development of Airnergy was not without its challenges. One of the main obstacles was finding a way to collect personal daily energy consumption data easily and seamlessly. Zhao found a solution by leveraging smart home systems, which automatically collect energy usage data. Alternatively, users can also log in through their energy accounts, such as PG&E, to provide the necessary data.

The Airnergy app was primarily designed for iOS systems, with an additional design for Android systems. The project started in late 2012 and was completed in December 2013. In 2014, Airnergy was exhibited in the Reddot Award online gallery, gaining recognition for its innovative approach to energy conservation.

Through extensive research on air pollution facts, personal energy consumption data, and mobile social gaming trends, Zhao ensured that Airnergy was grounded in solid research. The app taps into the motivating power of mobile games and reward systems, providing an enjoyable and accessible way for individuals to contribute to reducing air pollution and creating a better world.

Airnergy has received numerous accolades, including the Bronze A' Design Award in Mobile Technologies, Applications, and Software Design in 2018. This award recognizes the app's outstanding creativity and ingenuity, as well as its contribution to improving quality of life and making a positive impact on the world.

With Airnergy, Manjia Zhao has harnessed the power of gaming to tackle the global issue of air pollution. By making energy consumption more relatable and providing a fun and engaging platform for individuals to make a difference, Airnergy is paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Manjia Zhao
Image Credits: All credit reserves to Manjia Zhao
Project Team Members: Manjia Zhao
Project Name: Airnergy
Project Client: Manjia Zhao

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