Poland's Centennial Celebrations Captured in Elegance

Aleksandra Toborowicz's "Eseje o Niepodległej" - A Testament to Polish Independence

Marking the 100th anniversary of Poland's independence, Aleksandra Toborowicz has designed an elegant and minimalist book, "Eseje o Niepodległej," a collection of essays that reflect the nation's dignity and resilience.

The inspiration behind the book's design was the celebration of Poland's centennial independence. The keywords that guided the design process were elegance, anniversary, dignity, and minimalism. The book's design is a testament to these values, with its elegant cover and minimalist layout, reflecting the dignity of Poland's journey to independence.

The book's unique properties lie in its color scheme and material choices. The colors, silver and red, are a nod to Poland's national colors. The silver cover, combined with minimalist typography in red, exudes elegance and dignity. The red color is also used in pagination, title pages, and certain section titles, adding a touch of vibrancy to the book's overall design. The cover features a quotation designed with a handwritten font, using a hot stamping technique with a silver foil and blind stamping, adding an exclusive touch to the book.

The book was realized using high-quality materials and advanced printing techniques. The hardbound cover is made from Gmund Cover Metalic, and the inside paper is Alto 1.2 Satine. The fonts used are Bona Nova and P22 Cezanne Pro, which were carefully selected to match the book's elegant and minimalist theme.

The design process, which took place between September and December 2018 in Cracow and Warsaw, presented a challenge in finding and matching a professional, historically matching Polish text font family with many varieties. However, the result is a book that not only celebrates Poland's independence but also showcases the country's rich history and culture.

The book "Eseje o Niepodległej" has been recognized for its design excellence, winning the Golden A' Print and Published Media Design Award in 2019. This award is granted to outstanding and trendsetting creations that advance art, design, and technology, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics. This recognition is a testament to Aleksandra Toborowicz's design prowess and the book's significance in commemorating Poland's centennial independence.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Aleksandra Toborowicz
Image Credits: Aleksandra Toborowicz
Project Team Members: Aleksandra Toborowicz
Project Name: Eseje o Niepodleglej
Project Client: Aleksandra Toborowicz

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