Rebirth: A Multi-Arts Performance Space

Preserving History and Embracing Artistic Expression

The abandoned building of a former guest house, located in Nantou County, Taiwan, has been transformed into a unique multi-arts performance space, seamlessly integrating a café and artists' exhibitions.

The Rebirth project, designed by Chung-Li Lee, breathes new life into a forgotten structure, showcasing the beauty of nature, environmental protection, and artistic expression. The design preserves the original architectural structures while advocating for the reutilization of building materials, minimizing waste and promoting sustainability.

The exterior of the building is a testament to the harmony between art and nature. The original outdoor plants have been carefully preserved, and the addition of cedars and golden maples on both sides of the building adds a vibrant energy to the space. The outdoor area is adorned with eucalyptus trees, creating a seamless connection with the surrounding green environment.

Technological innovation played a crucial role in the realization of the Rebirth project. Grass block pavers and step stones were used in the parking lot, enhancing water retention capabilities and minimizing the impact on the environment. The 3-D building façade, adorned with structural steels, coated steel sheets, terrazzo, glass, and ironworks, creates a captivating visual display that blends seamlessly with the surroundings.

The multi-arts performance space spans an impressive 2300 square meters, providing ample room for creativity and artistic expression. The interior design reflects the elegance of environmental protection and art, creating a captivating atmosphere for visitors to immerse themselves in various artistic experiences.

Receiving the prestigious Iron A' Design Award in 2019, the Rebirth project stands as a shining example of well-designed, practical, and innovative architecture. It has successfully integrated professional and industrial requirements, contributing to a better world through its commitment to sustainability and artistic expression.

Renovating the abandoned building into a multi-arts performance space was not without its challenges. Preserving the original 14 rooms while overhauling the roof required meticulous planning and execution. The building, known as T-Dung, represents the steel architecture of the 1950s, symbolizing a homeland for cultivating future artists and embracing the spirit of the industrial revolution.

The Rebirth project, completed in October 2017, serves as a testament to the power of design to transform and revitalize forgotten spaces. It stands as a beacon of inspiration for future projects that seek to preserve history, promote sustainability, and celebrate artistic expression.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Chung-Li Lee
Image Credits: Chung-Li Lee
Project Team Members: CHUNG-LI LEE
Project Name: Rebirth
Project Client: Chung-Li Lee

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