Arch Ring: A Fusion of Art and Architecture by Yumiko Yoshikawa

Yoshikawa's Arch Ring: A Testament to Craftsmanship and Design Innovation

Inspired by the structural integrity of arches and the ethereal beauty of rainbows, Yumiko Yoshikawa's Arch Ring is a unique piece of jewelry that combines minimalistic design with bold, playful elements. This award-winning design reflects Yoshikawa's commitment to creating pieces that are not only visually stunning but also comfortable and wearable.

Yoshikawa's inspiration for the Arch Ring comes from the arch structure, a fundamental element in architecture that has been used throughout history to bridge two locations. The arch is seen in structures like bridges, which connect cultures, and aqueducts, which transport life-sustaining water. The rainbow, another natural phenomenon with an arch shape, symbolizes dreaming and aspiration. Yoshikawa hopes that the Arch Ring can inspire strength and dreams in the wearer.

The Arch Ring's unique properties lie in its combination of two motifs – an arch shape and a drop shape, creating a single 3-dimensional form. The result is a simple and elegant ring that is bold and playful, providing space that allows energy and rhythm to flow. From different angles, the shape of the ring changes, providing stimulation to the wearer.

The ring was realized through a meticulous process. First, a brass trial ring was hand-made to test wearability. Next, the silver master model, based on a paper design, was made by hand and a mold was then taken from it. The 18K gold ring was casted from the mold. The ring is sized at the final stage to take account of the pearl size and shape of the arch top and drop arm.

Yoshikawa faced creative, technical, and research challenges in the design process. The gap between the top space of the ring and the finger required guidelines for sizing the ring. After data collection from actual fitting, it was determined that the ring needs to be made smaller by a certain size to offer the equivalent ring size. The sizing is controlled with the drop shape arm and the meeting point of 2 arch top ends at the top of the circumference of the circle within a drop shape.

Yoshikawa's Arch Ring was awarded the Golden A' Jewelry, Eyewear, and Watch Design Award in 2019. The Golden A' Design Award is granted to marvelous, outstanding, and trendsetting creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom. They are venerated products and bright ideas that advance art, science, design, and technology, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: yumiko yoshikawa
Image Credits: Image #1: photographer Keiichi Sakakura, 2017.
Project Team Members: yumiko yoshikawa
Project Name: Arch
Project Client: yumiko yoshikawa

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