Metamorphosis: The Dual-Faced Beauty of Industrial Architecture

Atsushi Maeda's Award-Winning Photography Series Transforms Factories into Art

Atsushi Maeda's photography series, Metamorphosis, challenges the negative connotations of industrial areas, transforming them into a world of geometric beauty and cosmic mystery. This innovative approach has earned Maeda the prestigious Golden A' Photography and Photo Manipulation Design Award in 2019.

Maeda's inspiration for Metamorphosis came from his first encounter with an industrial area. The factories' unique world, often depicted in movies and games, replaced his initial negative perceptions. He saw potential in the geometric forms and decided to capture this unexpected beauty through his lens.

Maeda's approach to this project is unique. He chose to depict the factories in two contrasting lights: the geometric beauty during the day and a bright, shining cosmic fortress in the night's darkness. This dual perspective offers a fresh take on industrial architecture, highlighting its aesthetic potential rather than focusing solely on its functional aspects.

To achieve this, Maeda used 35mm digital photography to capture the frames. He then employed DXO filmpack to add a film grain tone, creating a smoky atmosphere that further enhances the factories' mysterious allure. The use of ND filters and long exposure techniques allowed him to capture the movement of smoke and light blowing from the chimneys, adding a dynamic element to his still images.

Metamorphosis is an ongoing project that began in 2011 in the Keihin industrial region. Despite the challenges of capturing the changing moods of the factories, Maeda has managed to maintain a dialogue with his subjects, allowing his understanding and interpretation to evolve over time. This continuous engagement with the factories has resulted in a series of images that are as diverse as they are captivating.

Maeda's work serves as a reminder that beauty can be found in the most unexpected places. His ability to transform a symbol of pollution and materialism into a source of artistic inspiration is a testament to his creativity and vision. With Metamorphosis, Maeda has not only captured the functional beauty of industrial architecture but also contributed to a broader conversation about the relationship between industry and art.

Metamorphosis is a testament to Maeda's creativity and vision, earning him the Golden A' Design Award in 2019. This prestigious award is granted to creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics. Maeda's work certainly fits this description, offering a fresh perspective on industrial architecture and its potential as a source of artistic inspiration.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Atsushi Maeda
Image Credits: Atsushi Maeda
Project Team Members: Atsushi Maeda
Project Name: Metamorphosis
Project Client: Atsushi Maeda

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