Revolutionizing Residential Design: Tangxing No.5

Saiwen Liu's Innovative Use of Bamboo in Interior Design

Exploring the innovative residential design, Tangxing No.5, by Saiwen Liu, which uniquely incorporates bamboo to create a sustainable, luxurious living space.

With an increasing global focus on environmental conservation, designers are seeking ways to incorporate sustainable materials into their creations. Saiwen Liu, a renowned designer, has taken this concept to heart in the design of Tangxing No.5, a residential house that brilliantly utilizes Moso bamboo, a natural resource known for its environmental benefits.

Located in Xi'an, China, Tangxing No.5 is a testament to Liu's commitment to environmental preservation. The design was inspired by the alarming rate of environmental pollution and depletion of natural resources. Moso bamboo, the primary material used in the design, releases 30% more oxygen than other vegetation and its soil consolidation capacity is 1.5 times that of Pinus Massoniana, making it a sustainable choice for interior decoration.

The unique merit of Tangxing No.5 lies in its innovative use of Moso bamboo to transform an oversized, void space into a comfortable and luxurious living area. The design features a variety of spaces, including a tea drinking area enclosed by bamboo and a Buddhist temple illuminated by lamp beads hidden in bamboo tubes. The living room is designed as a dome, with LED pale blue light strips creating the feeling of the sky, and a central LED downlight mimicking moonlight.

The project, which spans an area of 2430m², was completed within a year, from February 2017 to March 2018. Despite the challenges faced, such as altering the owner's desire for luxury into a concept of natural environmental protection, and dealing with the large architectural space, Liu successfully delivered a design that is both aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly.

The Tangxing No.5 project has not gone unnoticed in the design world. It was awarded Platinum in the A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2019, a prestigious accolade that recognizes world-class, exceptional, and highly innovative designs. This award is a testament to Liu's commitment to pushing the boundaries of art, science, design, and technology, and contributing to societal wellbeing.

In conclusion, Tangxing No.5 is a shining example of how designers can incorporate sustainable materials into their work to create beautiful, functional spaces while also contributing to environmental conservation. It serves as an inspiration for future designs and a reminder of the importance of sustainability in our rapidly changing world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Saiwen Liu
Image Credits: Ye Mao/Shi Fang Studio/2018
Project Team Members: Saiwen Liu
Project Name: Tangxing No.5
Project Client: Saiwen Liu

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