Beautiful Life: A Nostalgic Mothball Packaging Design

Reviving Tradition and Enhancing Safety

Mothball packaging in China faces strict government regulations, resulting in a market where most products look alike. Pica Packaging Design Lab, led by Creative Director Shuwei Qi, took on the challenge of creating a unique and nostalgic packaging design for their client, Beautiful Life. The team aimed to differentiate the brand and enhance user safety while evoking memories of the past.

The team at Pica Packaging Design Lab recognized that brand recognition was a crucial factor in the mothball market. To stand out, they created a vintage-like brand that incorporated elements of traditional Chinese culture. The logo, inspired by Chinese calligraphy, combined with peach flowers and an old lady from ancient Chinese paintings, presented customers with a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of China. The packaging also featured an open window in the shape of a bat, a symbol of blessing in Chinese culture.

In addition to the visual design, the team also focused on improving the functionality and safety of the packaging. They introduced split bags for preservation purposes, ensuring a safer and cleaner user experience. The team also replaced the plastic bags with tin cans to seal the mothballs, preventing the odor from spreading. To further enhance the user experience, they worked with their client to change the perfume to more traditional and natural scents.

The realization of the Beautiful Life packaging involved an intricate process. The tin cans were printed using an 8-color tinplate printing technique. Carving on paper and gilding over paper were employed to create the decorative elements inspired by ancient Chinese paintings. The final specifications for the tin can were 75mm in diameter and 83mm in height, while the paper box measured 76mm in width, 76mm in length, and 84mm in height.

The project, which began in January 2019 and concluded in April 2019, presented several challenges for the design team. The first challenge was navigating the tight government regulations, which required prominent display of the chemical name and low-toxic icons. Despite these restrictions, the team managed to emphasize the brand by adjusting the font weight. Another challenge arose from concerns about child safety. To address this, the team designed a hidden lid beneath the top lid, making it difficult for children to open while remaining easily accessible for adults.

The Beautiful Life mothball packaging design not only stands out in a market dominated by similar-looking products but also evokes a sense of nostalgia and tradition. By reimagining the packaging as a beneficial ornament, the team at Pica Packaging Design Lab has successfully expanded the market for their client. The design was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in 2020, recognizing its creativity, technical skill, and contribution to improving quality of life.

Image Credits: Shuwei Qi and Rijiang Wang, 2019.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Shuwei Qi
Image Credits: Shuwei Qi and Rijiang Wang, 2019.
Project Team Members: Creative Director: Shuwei Qi Art Director: Yeqiu Liu Typographer: Qianqian Jiang 3D designer: Rijiang Wang Photographer: Zhenzhou Liang Account Executive: Yue Zhu
Project Name: Beautiful Life
Project Client: Shuwei Qi

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