Ningbo Hanvos School

An Innovative Education Building

The "Folded Courtyard" Concept

The Ningbo Hanvos School, designed by DC Alliance, is an exceptional education building that stands out for its unique design and innovative approach. The core design concept of the school is the "Folded Courtyard," which organizes the school space in a stereoscopic manner, both horizontally and vertically. By bending the site horizontally, it is divided into different courtyards that cater to various functional requirements, such as teaching, activities, administration, and recreation.

One of the biggest challenges faced in this design was the contradiction between the limited land use and the high demand for an international teaching mode. To overcome this challenge, Hanvos School adopted the approach of "asking for space from the sky." The school's core public space is located at the top of the building terrace, while the basic teaching unit rooms are situated at the bottom. This vertical arrangement maximizes the use of space and creates a dynamic and efficient learning environment.

The design of the Ningbo Hanvos School showcases several unique properties that set it apart from other educational buildings. The integration of the "Folded Courtyard" concept allows for a seamless flow of spaces, creating a sense of continuity and connection. The vertical elements, including height spaces and terraces, enhance communication among different layers and transform the process of vertical traffic into a series of public activities. This innovative approach creates a conceptual "Zero Distance" organization mode, bridging the internal and external spaces and providing a new spatial experience for students and teachers.

The realization of the design incorporates advanced technologies and sustainable features. The materials used for the walls include barotropic aerated concrete bloc B6, while thermal insulation materials such as XPS and mineral wool felt ensure energy efficiency. The school also utilizes rooftop solar energy storage as part of its energy measures.

The Ningbo Hanvos School, completed in August 2017, covers a site area of 53,330 square meters, with a building area of 36,362 square meters. It is a testament to the successful integration of design, functionality, and sustainability in an educational setting.

This outstanding design has been recognized with the Bronze A' Design Award in the Architecture, Building, and Structure Design category in 2020. The award acknowledges the school's exceptional creativity, resourcefulness, and contribution to improving the quality of life. The Ningbo Hanvos School exemplifies the best practices in art, science, design, and technology, making it a truly remarkable educational facility.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: DC Alliance
Image Credits: Image #1-5: Photographer Liulili, VIDEO : Photographer Liulili,
Project Team Members: Dong Yi Wang Han Chen Cheng Hu Zhuolin Huang Zhigang Zhou Yuandan Long Bin Liu Lili Zhou Yang
Project Name: Ningbo Hanvos School
Project Client: DC Alliance

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Ningbo Hanvos School IMG #5

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