Glory Forever: A Captivating Water Dance Installation

Combining Nature and Technology to Inspire Environmental Consciousness

During the 2020 Nantou Lantern Festival, a mesmerizing water dance installation called Glory Forever took center stage, captivating audiences with its stunning display of lights, water, and art. Designed by Li Chen Peng, this installation art piece seamlessly combines the beauty of nature with modern abstract shapes, evoking a deep respect for the environment we inhabit.

Glory Forever is a unique installation art piece that aims to reconnect humanity with nature. Li Chen Peng, the visionary behind this project, explains that the inspiration for Glory Forever came from the admiration for the beauty of nature and the desire to bring attention to the importance of preserving it. In a world that is rapidly modernizing, we often lose sight of the natural wonders that surround us. Through the medium of water dance and abstract shapes, Glory Forever seeks to remind us of the value of our environment.

What sets Glory Forever apart from other installation art pieces is its ability to spiritually engage with its audience. As the water dances and the lights change, viewers are invited to reflect on their inner world and contemplate the preciousness of nature. This interactive experience encourages a shift in perspective and fosters a deeper appreciation for the planet we call home.

The realization of Glory Forever required a combination of advanced technology and artistic craftsmanship. The installation is made from a sturdy iron structure placed on a floating platform. Digitally controlled lights and stainless steel water dancing nozzles bring the installation to life. The control system seamlessly integrates music, lighting, and water dancing, creating a breathtaking spectacle on the water's surface. The use of completely waterproof materials ensures the performance is not hindered by external factors, allowing for a truly immersive experience.

Glory Forever stands at an impressive height of 850 cm, with a width of 5000 cm and a length of 350 cm. Made from stainless steel, iron, and waterproof paint, this installation can display digitally controlled lighting performances and various dance styles edited by computer programs. Whether viewed during the day or night, Glory Forever offers a static work of art that captivates and inspires.

During the 2020 Nantou Lantern Festival, Glory Forever was exhibited every night, with performances occurring every 30 minutes. Professional equipment and technical expertise from Jyrfang Artwork Design Co., LTD ensured a flawless execution. The Nantou County Government also set up a viewing area on the waterfront, allowing the public to witness the spectacle firsthand, capturing photos and videos to share online. The overwhelming praise from the public is a testament to the impact and beauty of Glory Forever.

After the lantern festival, Glory Forever found a new home at the Jiu Jiufeng Art Museum. The project, which started in January 2020, was completed in February 2020. The relocation of this metal artwork from the Nantou County Government to the art museum further solidifies its status as a significant cultural and artistic piece.

Li Chen Peng's research for Glory Forever was rooted in the natural landscape of Nantou County. The designer aimed to showcase the local culture and spirit through tourism activities, using the illusion of a water curtain to project the natural landscape of Nantou. By doing so, the installation hopes to spark public interest and awareness of the natural wonders that surround us.

Creating Glory Forever presented its fair share of challenges. Li Chen Peng had to navigate the complexities of combining water dance with the weight, structure, weather, and performance aspects. The result is a harmonious blend of visual appreciation and spiritual contemplation in an open space.

Glory Forever, with its intricate design and thought-provoking concept, has garnered recognition in the design world. In 2020, it was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Lighting Products and Fixtures Design category. This prestigious award recognizes designs that are well-designed, practical, and innovative, meeting professional and industrial requirements. Glory Forever's integration of industry best practices and competent technical characteristics contribute to a better world.

Glory Forever serves as a powerful reminder of the beauty and fragility of our natural world. Through its captivating water dance and abstract shapes, it encourages us to reflect on our relationship with the environment and to embrace a more sustainable and conscious way of living. As we gaze upon the mesmerizing display of lights and water, we are reminded that nature is our most precious treasure, deserving of our utmost care and respect.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Li Chen Peng
Image Credits: #No.1: Photographer Li Chen Peng,2020 #No.2: Photographer Li Chen Peng,2020 #No.3: Photographer Li Chen Peng,2020 #No.4: Photographer Li Chen Peng,2020 #No.5: Photographer Li Chen Peng,2020
Project Team Members: Designer: Li Chen Peng Design Company: Jyrfang Artwork Design Co., LTD. Business Owner: Nantou County Government
Project Name: Glory Forever
Project Client: Li Chen Peng

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