Poly The Sky Garden: A New Era of Modular Architecture

Revolutionizing Sales Centers with Detachable, Reusable Design

Introducing Poly The Sky Garden, a modular, detachable sales center by Hyp-Arch Design, that is redefining architectural trends with its futuristic aesthetics and sustainable approach.

The late 20th century witnessed the birth of a new architectural language - modular architecture. This innovative approach involved the restructuring and assembly of square boxes or modules into a complete building system. The modular building, known for its green benefits, convenience, and mobility, has evolved into a guiding architectural language that dominates the trend of thought in today and even in the future.

Designed by Hyp-Arch Design, the Poly The Sky Garden is a prime example of this architectural trend. This sales center, with its high geographic and site applicability, is designed as an embedded box with a fresh metal texture. The building stands quietly above the water, delivering a sheer futuristic sense. Once its functional "mission" is completed, the box can be silently removed, reassembled, and reopened quickly at the next site.

The building's realization involves the use of whole-body silver-white metal texture materials, ultra-white glass, and terrazzo, giving the building a futuristic look as if it is floating gracefully on the water. The combination of glass and metal plates creates a coalition of transparency, reflection, coolness, and sharpness, conveying the order of rationality and the sense of ritual of the space.

As diversity and sustainability of architecture are two important elements of urban development, modular architecture can fully embody a user-friendly residential concept that pursues ecological and sustainable development. The project adopts a modular design method to deconstruct the functional divisions of the sales center. By innovating and reorganizing six modular parts, the whole building has a coating with great metal texture, creating a new life experience and urban style.

The project faced three major challenges at the early stage: the location of the sales center, the building volume, and the ways of opening the center quickly. Despite these challenges, the project was successful in minimizing the interference on the site and ensuring the safety of the modules during the service period. The modules boast ultra-high reusability as they can be put into use directly after being detached and transported to a new site when the service period here ends.

This groundbreaking design has been recognized with the Golden A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2020, a testament to the prodigy and wisdom of the Hyp-Arch Design team. The Poly The Sky Garden is not just a building; it is a symbol of the future of architecture, where sustainability and innovation go hand in hand.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Hyp-Arch Design
Image Credits: Photography: Intermountain
Project Team Members: Project leader: Yang Jiefeng Chief designer: Li Dong
Project Name: Poly The Sky Garden
Project Client: Hyp-Arch Design

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