Birds and Coffee: A Unique Blend of Design and Craftsmanship

Exploring Kristina Pacesaite's Award-Winning Coffee Packaging Design

In the world of coffee, packaging plays a significant role in communicating the product's value and origin. Kristina Pacesaite's award-winning design, "Birds and Coffee," beautifully encapsulates this concept, merging biology-inspired illustrations with a handmade aesthetic to create a unique packaging experience.

The inspiration for "Birds and Coffee" was drawn from a variety of sources, including vintage biology books, birdwatcher's guides, and botanical magazines. These resources provided a rich tapestry of bird species from the nine coffee regions represented in the project. The result is a series of illustrations that not only add visual appeal but also convey the geographical origins of the coffee.

What sets this design apart is its unique handmade look. The packaging showcases illustrations of birds from each coffee-producing country, rendered in a dark brown color that lends a unique and sophisticated feel to the product. This design choice effectively communicates the craftsmanship of the coffee roasters, enhancing the perceived value of the coffee.

The packaging was realized through digital printing on kraft paper, a material choice that further enhances the artisanal feel of the product. The specifications include a kraft doypack measuring 160X230X40mm and a kraft bag measuring 145X340mm. These dimensions were carefully chosen to ensure optimal presentation and protection of the coffee.

While the design process was not without its challenges, Pacesaite successfully navigated them. The main challenge lay in finding the right postures for the birds and achieving a balance in the illustration style, which needed to be bold yet elegant. The illustrations also had to be sharp enough to print clearly on the kraft paper bag.

Ultimately, Pacesaite's design was recognized with a Silver A' Packaging Design Award in 2021. This prestigious award is given to designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise and innovation, and "Birds and Coffee" certainly fits the bill. Its unique blend of design and craftsmanship not only enhances the value of the coffee it contains but also creates a memorable unboxing experience for the consumer.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Kristina Pacesaite
Image Credits: Kristina Pacesaite
Project Team Members: Kristina Pacesaite
Project Name: Birds
Project Client: Kristina Pacesaite

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Birds IMG #5

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