Action Means Everything: A Campaign Poster by Hsiao-Wen Hu

2021 Silver A' Design Award Winner Advocates for Active Participation

Inspired by the tumultuous year of 2020, Hsiao-Wen Hu's award-winning campaign poster, "Action Means Everything," serves as a poignant reminder of the power of action in effecting societal change. This piece, which combines graphic design, illustration, and typography, is a testament to the importance of moving beyond empty promises and actively participating in the world around us.

The design process for "Action Means Everything" began with a brainstorm of keywords and spontaneous sketches. Hu drew inspiration from comic illustrations and protest art, integrating these elements into her design to create a compelling narrative. The result is a series of lively and straightforward narratives that translate platitudinous phrases into a call to action.

One of the unique features of this campaign is its use of a bright color palette. This choice was intentional, designed to bring positivity and freshness to viewers. The campaign includes a series of three portrait posters in A2 dimension, a series of four posters in square dimension, one landscape poster for large outdoor banners, and a series of digital marketing assets for Instagram stories.

The campaign's interaction design is also noteworthy. The campaign consists of three phases: first, the posters bring the idea of taking action into viewers' notice, then direct viewers to share their acts in digital spaces and social media with the hashtag #2020ActionMeansEverything. By posting with the hashtag, participants have a chance to win designer goods as rewards for their actions.

One of the challenges Hu faced in creating this campaign was finding a way to effectively visualize abstract ideas into narratives that are easy to comprehend. She overcame this challenge through extensive research of protest art and illustration styles, and by developing a compelling narrative with a good balance of visuals and typography.

"Action Means Everything" is more than just a campaign poster; it's a call to action, a reminder of the importance of active participation in society. It's a testament to Hu's skill and creativity as a designer, and it's no surprise that it was awarded Silver in A' Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award in 2021. The award is a testament to the design's technical excellence, artistic skill, and ability to evoke positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Hsiao-Wen Hu
Image Credits: Hsiao-Wen Hu
Project Team Members: Hsiao-Wen Hu
Project Name: Action Means Everything
Project Client: Hsiao-Wen Hu

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Action Means Everything IMG #5

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