Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen: Breathing Life into Stones

Exploring the Artistic Potential of Natural Materials

Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen, an award-winning artist, transforms ordinary stones into extraordinary works of art, challenging conventional perspectives on communication and the natural world.

Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen's inspiration for his unique art form was born from a five-year journey around the world. During his time in Indonesia, he lived among indigenous people and participated in their ritual practices. This experience taught him to see the life within found objects, even something as seemingly mundane as a small stone. Upon his return, he began to experiment with natural stones, testing his belief that these objects could communicate with those who observed them.

Zurbriggen's artistry lies in his ability to identify the unique artistic potential of natural materials. He rearranges stones, placing them in new contexts and giving their substance a new expression. This approach sets him apart from other artists, as his focus is not on the craft itself, but on the way one perceives things. His work, therefore, serves as a reminder to view nature with open eyes and see things in a new light.

One of Zurbriggen's most impressive works is the stone alphabet. This experiment in communication goes beyond writing and exchanging stone messages over the internet. It is a testament to the artist's belief that found objects reveal information about a past that can be rediscovered at any time. The stone alphabet was presented in a glass showcase, accompanied by a short film displayed on an iPad, providing a multi-sensory experience for the viewer.

Zurbriggen's exploration of stones began in 2006 and continues to this day. His work has been exhibited in various locations, including the arts laboratory Malamegi Lab 12 in Milan, the Swiss Art Expo in Zurich, and the Schützenlaube in Visp. His original stones with letters and faces, however, have never been exposed to an audience before.

The artist's work revolves around belief, the act of seeing, and the gaze. He views art not as the production of something new, but as an appreciation of the existing, which is often overlooked. In his view, conscious appreciation means realizing that something is looking at us, even if it is just a small stone. This unique perspective earned him the Silver A' Fine Arts and Art Installation Design Award in 2021, a testament to his remarkable creativity and innovation.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen
Image Credits: Image #1: Photogrpher and Creator Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen, The Stone Alphabet, 2017. Image #2: Photogrpher and Creator Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen, Game by the stream, 2021. Image #3: Photogrpher and Creator Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen, The Alphabet with stone greetings on an iPad, 2021. Image #4: Photogrpher and Creator Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen, Stone on Head, 2020. Image #5: Photogrpher and Creator Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen, Game by the stream, 2018. Videokredite: Creator Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen, Stone Greetings, 2021.
Project Team Members: Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen
Project Name: Supplement of Original
Project Client: Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen

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