El Soporte del Cubo

Sculpture by Fabrizio Constanza

The sculpture combines five major elements: one 4x4x4 feet Cube manufactured entirely of ultra polished sheet metal, and four organic shaped metal legs. The cube traps and combines the reflection of spectators and their surroundings, making them a part of the cube. The fluid and twisted legs are a conceptual representation of human emotions and creativity, the very core of our inventiveness.

The Support of the Cube piece is a conceptual work that explores the relationship between human emotions and human progress. The piece intends to inspire people to approach the present global challenges with flexible solutions, which is the next step in human development.

The sculpture occupies a space of: 2000mmWidth X 2000mm Depth x 2000mm Height.

Design Team Members: Fabrizio Constanza, Greg Jacobs, Ignite Performance.

Design Location and Timeframe: August 2015-October 2015.

This piece is a conceptual work developed to participate at Public Art Exhibitions. Art is important to be accessible to anybody; this is the nobleness of this artistic work. The Piece explores the relationship between human emotions and human progress. The piece intends to inspire people to approach the present global challenges with flexible solutions. The work encourages viewers to reflect on: Admiring a cube rather than being trapped within it; how emotions support human creations; why, if human emotions are so fluid and dynamic, is humanity's progress so rigid?

Image Credits: Fabrizio Constanza.

Awards and Accolades: This Design was awarded Silver in A' Design Award in 2016. The Silver A' Design Award is rewarded to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. These designs, admired for their strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Fabrizio Constanza
Image Credits: Fabrizio Constanza
Project Team Members: Fabrizio Constanza Greg Jacobs Ignite Performance
Project Name: El Soporte del Cubo
Project Client: Fabrizio Constanza

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El Soporte del Cubo IMG #5

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