Tomorrow Myth: A Creative Call to Action for Endangered Animals

LLAB Design Ltd's Innovative Approach to Raise Awareness and Support for Endangered Species

Tomorrow Myth, a project by LLAB Design Ltd, is a unique and creative initiative aimed at raising awareness about endangered animals. Drawing inspiration from ancient Chinese illustrations, the project transforms these endangered animals into mythical creatures, symbolizing the risk of their potential extinction.

The concept behind Tomorrow Myth is rooted in the urgent need for action to protect endangered animals. The designers at LLAB Design Ltd were inspired by the idea that if no action is taken, future generations might only learn about these animals through stories, much like myths. This led to the creation of six unique pins, each representing an endangered animal transformed into a mythical creature. The design inspiration was drawn from Shan Hai Jing, a Chinese illustration book that features a plethora of imaginative creatures in an Eastern mythical illustration style.

What sets Tomorrow Myth apart from other initiatives is its innovative approach to raising awareness. Instead of donating a portion of the sales profit to animal foundations, the profit is used to produce more pins. These pins are then donated to relevant animal protection foundations, such as the Philippine Eagle Foundation. The foundations can then use these pins for fundraising, maximizing the funds they can obtain.

The realization of the Tomorrow Myth project involved a careful and thoughtful design process. The art direction and illustration style were based on Shan Hai Jing, aligning with the concept of transforming endangered animals into mythical creatures. The packaging of the pins also references traditional Eastern painting. When the six packages are placed together horizontally, a complete painting is formed by the continuous packing card.

The pins are approximately 3cm x 3cm in size and are made from zinc alloy. Each pin weighs approximately 0.8g. The packaging is a transparent plastic box with a 5C printed art card, measuring 12cm x 5.5cm. The project was initiated in February 2020 and completed in September 2020.

The project faced challenges in ensuring the detailed enamel pins could accurately deliver the intricate designs. However, the team's dedication and creativity allowed them to overcome these obstacles. The result is a set of beautiful pins that not only serve as unique accessories but also carry a powerful message about the importance of protecting endangered animals.

Tomorrow Myth serves as a reminder of the urgent need to protect endangered animals. The project's success is a testament to the power of creative design in raising awareness and driving action. It was awarded Silver in A' Jewelry, Eyewear and Watch Design Award in 2021, a prestigious recognition of its outstanding expertise and innovation.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Wong Ka Wai
Image Credits: Photographer : Studio O
Project Team Members: Creative Director : Mike Wong Project Director : Tryde Leung Art Director : Yan Cheung
Project Name: Tomorrow Myth
Project Client: Wong Ka Wai

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Tomorrow Myth IMG #5
Tomorrow Myth IMG #5

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