IT Intelligence: A Bold and Human-Centric Brand Identity

Reconnecting IT Services with Aesthetics and Language

Informatique ProContact, an IT services provider, faced a dissonance between their brand and their industry. With a name more suited to a dating service than an IT firm, they needed to reconnect with the aesthetics and language of their category. Enter Jenny Prive, a renowned designer, who created a new name and brand identity: ITI. Functioning bilingually to reflect the acronyms for information technology in both English and French (IT and TI), this rebranding effort aimed to align Informatique ProContact with their industry and target audience.

ITI, short for IT Intelligence, represents the core values of Informatique ProContact. It signifies their commitment to going beyond traditional IT methodology and providing services that are made by humans, for humans. The logo, designed by Jenny Prive, is a colorful and bold representation of this approach. It features four rods, symbolizing the binary ones and zeroes at the foundation of technological processes. At the heart of the logo is the letter H, representing the "human" element that sets Informatique ProContact apart from its competitors.

What makes this brand identity unique is its departure from the typically conventional branding seen in the IT world. By embracing vibrant colors and a bold design, ITI stands out and captures attention. It reflects the company's innovative and forward-thinking approach to IT services, positioning them as leaders in their industry.

The realization of this brand identity was made possible through the use of advanced design technology. The logo, with its modular and multifaceted expression, can be adapted to different versions of media, bringing the brand to life in various ways. This adaptability ensures consistency across different platforms and enhances brand recognition.

The impact of the ITI brand identity has been significant. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the business strategy combined with the launch of the new brand resulted in a 31% increase in annual growth compared to the previous year. Customers and industry professionals alike recognize that the ITI branding strategy better reflects the company's leadership, expertise, and commitment to human-centric IT solutions.

Throughout the rebranding process, the design team faced several challenges. Convincing the clients to change their brand name, which they had been connected to for 30 years, was no easy task. However, the outdated and generic nature of the previous name, Informatique ProContact, made it necessary for the brand to adopt a new voice that resonated with the IT world. Webinars and online events successfully introduced the ITI brand to clients and business partners, resulting in increased recognition and engagement.

The ITI brand identity project, led by Jenny Prive, began in July 2019 and was completed in April 2020. Its success and impact were recognized when it was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in 2021. This prestigious award acknowledges designs that exhibit strong technical and creative skills, contribute to quality of life improvements, and make the world a better place. The ITI brand identity certainly embodies these qualities, setting a new standard for branding in the IT industry.

With its bold and human-centric approach, the ITI brand identity has successfully reconnected Informatique ProContact with their industry and target audience. It reflects their commitment to providing IT services that are not only technologically advanced but also tailored to the needs of humans. The vibrant logo and innovative design elements set them apart from their competitors and position them as leaders in the IT world. The ITI brand identity is a testament to the power of effective branding in transforming a company's image and driving growth.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Jenny Privé
Image Credits: Jenny Privé
Project Team Members: Advertiser: ITI Client: Jonathan Legault Client: Noémi Labelle Client : Andrée-Anne Mauffette Agency: Forsman & Bodenfors Creative Director: Eva Van den Bulcke Art Director: Minh Nguyen Art Director : Louis Chapdelaine Art Director : Johan Högdahl Copywriter: Thimalay Sukhaseum Copywriter: Elyse Noel de Tilly Account Services: Jenny Privé Account Services: Mélanie Beaudoin Print Production: Stéphane Crépeau
Project Name: IT Intelligence
Project Client: Jenny Privé

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