Sight Difference: Inclusive Playground Equipment for Intergenerational Co-housing

Enhancing Interaction and Fun in Community Playgrounds

When cookie-cutter playground equipment falls short, Sight Difference steps in to create a series of inclusive playground equipment that focuses on safe interaction and encourages the elderly to play with their grandchildren. This innovative design aims to enhance the interaction and fun between grandparents and grandchildren, while also promoting the sustainable development of today's inclusive communities.

Traditional community playgrounds often feature equipment that is either designed for little children or tailored to assist senior citizens. However, the emergence of featured parks and inclusive playgrounds has paved the way for a new concept - interactive spaces where seniors and grandchildren can bond and play together. The team behind Sight Difference, comprised of designers YiJhen, SinYi, YiWen, and KeiMing, recognized the need for inclusive playground equipment and set out to create a unique solution.

Sight Difference offers a series of inclusive playground equipment that not only attracts active children but also encourages their elders to join in the fun. By incorporating living spaces into the design, this innovative approach enhances the interaction and fun of grandparents and grandchildren when playing in the park. The equipment provides a spacious, safe, interactive, interesting, and comfortable environment for amusement, fostering daily interactions and conversations between children and grandparents.

The design team utilized external iron parts related to the seat to construct a 3D model, taking into account the specifications and dimensions of existing iron parts. They also considered the proportions of the human body to ensure optimal comfort and safety. Through meticulous revisions and adjustments, the team finalized the design and created a 1:1 model for production.

The Sight Difference series includes three unique pieces of equipment: Niu Niu Chu, Ciao Ciao Chu, and Yao Yao Chu. Niu Niu Chu assists in waist-twisting exercises, with adults holding the upper pole and children grasping the lower rope device to slide along the rail. Ciao Ciao Chu resembles a mini seesaw, training the elderly to squat and lie down. The height difference is generated by the middle lever and double springs. Yao Yao Chu allows adults to swing left and right to exercise their waist and shoulders, while children standing on the other end enjoy the fun of a horizontal swing.

The Sight Difference project began in August 2020 in Taiwan and was completed in February 2021. It made its debut in March and will be exhibited at the Young Designers' Exhibition in the World Trade Center in May 2021. The design team conducted extensive research on related parks and manufacturing plants to ensure the safety, scale, and structural integrity of their equipment. By considering the interactive needs of parents and children, as well as grandparents and grandchildren, Sight Difference aims to prevent boredom and promote active engagement in community playgrounds.

Sight Difference has been recognized for its outstanding design and social impact. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in 2021, a prestigious accolade that celebrates well-designed, practical, and innovative creations. This award acknowledges Sight Difference's ability to meet professional and industrial requirements while providing fulfillment and positive experiences, contributing to a better world.

With its unique approach to inclusive playground equipment, Sight Difference is transforming community playgrounds into vibrant spaces where generations can come together, play, and create lasting memories.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: ChungSheng Chen
Image Credits: Photo Credit/ YiJen Lin keiming Su Yiwen Su Sinyi Chen
Project Team Members: Instructor:ChungSheng Chen Designer:keiming Su Designer:Yiwen Su Designer:Sinyi Chen Designer:YiJen Lin Tainan University of Technology/Product Design Dept.
Project Name: Sight Difference
Project Client: ChungSheng Chen

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