Profound: Redefining Residential Space

Reimagining Le Corbusier's Five Points of Architecture

Reorganizing the layout, redefining the space, and integrating the needs of the owner and imagination of the space, Chia-I Tsai takes Le Corbusier's Five Points of Architecture as the starting point and applies them in interior design to create a truly unique residential experience.

Profound, a residential project designed by Chia-I Tsai, pushes the boundaries of traditional interior design by drawing inspiration from Le Corbusier's iconic Five Points of Architecture. By reinterpreting these principles and applying them to the interior space, Tsai has created a design that is both innovative and visually striking.

The design concept behind Profound centers around the idea of free design. Tsai has taken Le Corbusier's principles of Free Design of the Facade, Free Design of the Ground Plan, Horizontal Windows, and Roof Garden and translated them into the interior space. The result is a seamless integration of architecture and interior design, where the boundaries between the two are blurred.

One of the key features of Profound is the use of natural light. Tsai's keen sense of light and understanding of material and color have allowed her to solve the daylighting problem in the space. By strategically placing the study room in the middle of the space, she has introduced ample natural light, making the interior bright and inviting.

The design also incorporates a play on contrast, guiding residents to develop their thinking. The main color tone of the outdoor space is brought into the study room, extending to the living room. Wood and rattan elements create a sense of calmness, despite the low ceiling height. Privacy and ventilation have been carefully considered, with the study room and living room separated to ensure both functionality and comfort.

Profound is not just a design; it is a reflection of the designer's deep understanding of the past and her vision for the future. By connecting different eras through the understanding of materials and design principles, Tsai has created a space that is both timeless and forward-thinking.

Materials used in the house, including wood and paints, are all eco-friendly and have received EEWH certification. Natural paints have been used to reveal the real texture of the materials, while ensuring a healthy and sustainable living environment. The space is well-ventilated and can be cooled naturally, reducing the reliance on artificial cooling systems.

Completed in September 2020 in Taoyuan, Taiwan, Profound is a testament to Chia-I Tsai's creativity, technical prowess, and dedication to creating spaces that inspire and uplift. The project has been recognized for its excellence and innovation, receiving the Iron A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2021.

Profound is not just a design; it is a statement. It challenges conventional notions of residential space and invites residents to think differently about their surroundings. By understanding the past, feeling the present, and embracing change, Profound paves the way for a future where design is not just a reflection of reality, but a catalyst for transformation.

Image Credits: Photographer Andy Chang, Profound, 2020.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Chia-I Tsai
Image Credits: Image #1-5: Photographer Andy Chang, Profound, 2020.
Project Team Members: Designer: Chia-I Tsai Designer: Bo-Zhang Zhu
Project Name: Profound
Project Client: Chia-I Tsai

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