Big Fish Design: Creating a Peaceful and Productive Office Space

A Unique Blend of Aesthetics and Functionality

Big Fish Design, led by renowned designer Yuxia Tang, has transformed its Beijing office into a space that not only reflects the designer's aesthetic vision but also promotes productivity and collaboration. With a focus on creating a free and comfortable environment, this office design sets a new standard for modern workspaces.

At the heart of this design is the concept of peace. Inspired by the Hebrew word "SHALOM," which means peace, Big Fish Design believes that peace is the foundation for freedom. By fostering a sense of peace and freedom, the design team aims to create a workplace that influences the world in a silent yet powerful way.

The office layout is carefully planned to enhance the staff's interactivity and enjoyment of work. The open-plan office area on the ground floor maximizes natural light, creating a refreshing and inspiring atmosphere. This design choice not only promotes collaboration but also allows employees to recharge and find inspiration in nature during work breaks.

One of the standout features of this office design is its efficient use of space and materials. Big Fish Design refuses to waste any resources, ensuring that every inch of the office is utilized effectively. Common materials such as painting, terrazzo, glass, and stainless steel are used to create a modern and sleek aesthetic.

Upon entering the office, visitors are greeted by a revolving glass door and a perforated plate, setting the tone for the overall style of the space. The skillful design of the revolving door strategically blocks the view of the financial room, maintaining a clean and minimalist entrance.

The design team also incorporated vibrant red circular patterns throughout the office, contrasting with the predominantly white palette. This creative choice creates a visually striking effect that reflects the brand's energetic, interesting, and joyful personality.

Big Fish Design's office renovation project in Beijing took place from June to November 2020. Throughout the design process, the team focused on expressing their design attitude through the arrangement of space and color. The result is a successful case of cost reduction through thoughtful design, embodying the company's pursuit of freedom and happiness in every aspect of their work.

This exceptional office design has been recognized for its excellence and innovation. Big Fish Design's project was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2022. This prestigious accolade is given to designs that meet professional and industrial requirements while integrating best practices and technical characteristics, contributing to a better world.

With its unique blend of aesthetics, functionality, and a commitment to creating a peaceful and productive work environment, Big Fish Design has set a new standard for office design. This project serves as an inspiration for companies looking to create spaces that not only reflect their brand identity but also foster creativity, collaboration, and well-being among their employees.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yuxia Tang
Image Credits: Yuxia Tang
Project Team Members: Yuxia Tang
Project Name: Big Fish Design
Project Client: Yuxia Tang

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