Cubes Aleorion: A Modern Interpretation of Ancient Maritime Safety

A Concept Lighthouse for the Port of Volos, Greece

The Cubes Aleorion is a proposal for a new lighthouse for the port of Volos, Greece. Inspired by the ancient Aleorion of Xerxes, this modern interpretation combines concrete cubes, unique design features, and stunning views to create a new landmark for the city.

The project takes its inspiration from the Aleorion of Xerxes, a structure built around 480 BC in the Aegean Sea. Considered the most ancient maritime safety structure in the world, it predates the famous Lighthouse of Alexandria by 250 years. The original Aleorion was constructed using Dolomite stones, forming a tower that served as a warning sign for the nearby shallow waters and reef.

The Cubes Aleorion design concept builds upon this rich history, creating a tower composed of cube-shaped concrete blocks. These blocks are stacked upon each other, horizontally shifted off-center, and cut out in various ways to create internal voids and openings. Inside these hollow spaces, a stairway leads to the top of the lighthouse.

One of the unique features of the Cubes Aleorion is its ability to frame different viewpoints of the bay. Each level offers a new perspective of the city, the port, the sea, and the opposite coast of the Pagasetic Gulf. This vertical circulation not only serves practical purposes but also invites visitors to explore the structure and enjoy the breathtaking views.

Located at the edge of the breakwater in the port of Volos, the Cubes Aleorion becomes a new landmark for the city. Its exposed all-concrete structure harmonizes with the materiality of the port breakwater and the urban character of the surroundings. The design seamlessly blends modernity with the historical roots of the city and its maritime heritage.

The Cubes Aleorion stands at a height of 14.25 meters, with each cube-shaped block contributing to its overall form. The design showcases the creative and technical prowess of Vasilis Mylonas, the mastermind behind this concept lighthouse.

This innovative design has been recognized for its excellence and creativity. The Cubes Aleorion was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Architecture, Building, and Structure Design category in 2022. This prestigious accolade celebrates designs that demonstrate outstanding ingenuity, technical skill, and a commitment to improving quality of life.

The Cubes Aleorion is not just a lighthouse; it is a testament to the power of design to honor history, enhance the urban environment, and create a lasting impact. With its striking form and panoramic views, this concept lighthouse invites visitors to experience the beauty of Volos from a whole new perspective.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Vasilis Mylonas
Image Credits: Image #1: Creator Vasilis Mylonas, Cubes Aleorion 01, 2021. Image #2: Creator Vasilis Mylonas, Cubes Aleorion 02, 2021. Image #3: Creator Vasilis Mylonas, Cubes Aleorion 03, 2021. Image #4: Creator Vasilis Mylonas, Cubes Aleorion 04, 2021. Image #5: Creator Vasilis Mylonas, Cubes Aleorion 05, 2021.
Project Team Members: Vasilis Mylonas
Project Name: Cubes Aleorion
Project Client: Vasilis Mylonas

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