Beijing Pageone Wudaokou: A Unique Bookstore with Innovative Lighting Design

Creating a Relaxing Reading Space with Flexible Lighting

The Pageone Wudaokou bookstore, designed by Ldpi China Branch, is a one-of-a-kind bookstore located in the bustling Haidian district of Beijing. With its modern and irregular polyhedron facade, this bookstore stands out as a unique architectural gem. However, it is the innovative lighting design that truly sets it apart.

The lighting design of Pageone Wudaokou is inspired by the simple and clean interior design and the modern style of the building facade. The designers at Ldpi China Branch have taken advantage of the light-colored materials used in the space to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for visitors. Under the soft and warm lighting, guests can immerse themselves in an ocean of words from their favorite readings while enjoying food and beverages.

What makes Pageone Wudaokou truly special is its multifunctionality. It is not just a bookstore but also a venue for exhibitions and lectures. Recognizing the diverse needs of its visitors, Ldpi China Branch has incorporated flexible lighting solutions throughout the space. The lighting design aims to create a comfortable environment for readers while also accommodating the different functions of the bookstore.

The key element of the lighting design is the bookshelf lighting. These lights not only illuminate the books but also serve as eye-catching features that attract visitors' attention. The bookshelves are divided into three types, each with a different wattage per meter based on functionality. The standard bookshelves are equipped with standard linear lights, while the taller bookshelves facing the glass curtain wall require higher wattage per meter lighting for better visibility. Additionally, accent lighting with the highest wattage per meter is used for specific bookshelves that need to be highlighted.

The technical specifications of the lighting design include LED linear lights with a power of 10W/m, a beam angle of 37 degrees, and a color rendering index above 90. Embedded downlights with adjustable angles, powered at 15W with a beam angle of 38 degrees and a color rendering index above 90, are also used to enhance the overall lighting effect.

The design and realization of Pageone Wudaokou took place from June 2020 to April 2021 in Beijing's Haidian District. Throughout the project, extensive lighting simulations were conducted to ensure optimal lighting effects. Several rounds of mock-ups involving the shelves' manufacturer and the lighting manufacturer were also carried out to fine-tune the design.

One of the challenges faced during the project was the absence of a lighting scheme for the existing facade. However, the interior glow of the bookstore shines through the glass curtain wall at night, making the building visually striking and inviting.

Pageone Wudaokou is not only a visually stunning bookstore but also a testament to the power of innovative lighting design. With its flexible and functional lighting solutions, this bookstore provides a comfortable and inviting space for readers to explore their favorite books and indulge in the joy of reading.


Image #1: Photographer Gao Han, PAGEONE Wudaokou, 2021.

Image #2: Photographer Gao Han, PAGEONE Wudaokou, 2021.

Image #3: Photographer Gao Han, PAGEONE Wudaokou, 2021.

Image #4: Photographer Gao Han, PAGEONE Wudaokou, 2021.

Image #5: Photographer Gao Han, PAGEONE Wudaokou, 2021.

Awards and Accolades:

This design was awarded Bronze in the A' Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award in 2022. The Bronze A' Design Award is bestowed upon outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that authenticate experience and resourcefulness. Esteemed for incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology, they exhibit strong technical and creative skills and contribute to quality of life improvements, making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: LDPi (China Branch)
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Gao Han, PAGEONE Wudaokou, 2021. Image #2: Photographer Gao Han, PAGEONE Wudaokou, 2021. Image #3: Photographer Gao Han, PAGEONE Wudaokou, 2021. Image #4: Photographer Gao Han, PAGEONE Wudaokou, 2021. Image #5: Photographer Gao Han, PAGEONE Wudaokou, 2021.
Project Team Members: Interior Design: OFFICE AIO Lighting Design:Lighting Design Partnership International (China Branch)
Project Name: Pageone Wudaokou
Project Client: LDPi (China Branch)

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Pageone Wudaokou IMG #3
Pageone Wudaokou IMG #4
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Pageone Wudaokou IMG #5

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