Kinematic Konnection: A Captivating Garment Inspired by Ballet and Minimalist Craftsmanship

Anna Vescovi's Innovative Design Pushes Boundaries of Form and Function

This garment, part of Anna Vescovi's senior thesis, draws inspiration from her 15 years of dancing under international ballet companies. With a focus on the physical and emotional confinement experienced by dancers, Vescovi's Kinematic Konnection explores the intersection of minimalist craftsmanship and textile design.

The Kinematic Konnection garment stands out with its unique properties that parallel the weighted nature of the ballet industry and the struggle to fit unrealistic cosmetic standards. Comprised of laser-cut acrylic pieces, the garment's pattern is meticulously constructed using mathematical calculations in the Adobe Creative Suite. The intentional juxtaposition of these pieces pushes technical boundaries, creating a visual contrast between kinetic freedom and restriction.

Using digital technology, Vescovi arranges roundel shapes with interior hole dimensions to create the garment's template. The finalized template is then laser-cut from smoke-colored acrylic sheets and joined together using hundreds of gold jump rings. This meticulous process ensures precision and attention to detail in every aspect of the design.

The Kinematic Konnection garment's technical specifications include acrylic roundels measuring 1"x1", cut from four 12"x18" sheets. The design allows for customization, with joinery techniques that accommodate different sizes and body shapes. Inclusivity is a key theme, challenging the traditional limitations of tailored garments.

One of the most captivating elements of this garment is its play of light. The glossy surface of the acrylic material reflects subtle reflections, reminiscent of a mirror. This balance between fluidity and weighted restriction creates a metaphorical juxtaposition between freedom and confinement. The purpose of the Kinematic Konnection garment is to provoke an awe-inspiring allure of constructed elegance, derived from the heavier subject matter of mirror-gazing.

The Kinematic Konnection project began in Georgia, USA, in May 2021 and was completed three months later. The design was captured in-studio at Savannah College of Art & Design's Adler Hall. Throughout the design process, Vescovi conducted extensive research on the psychological and social aspects of mirror-gazing, drawing insights from studies on Body Dysmorphic Disorder and interviews with renowned ballet dancers.

Despite the challenges faced during the creation of the Kinematic Konnection garment, such as the precise mathematical calculations and the prevention of acrylic warping during laser cutting, Vescovi's dedication and attention to detail resulted in a truly innovative and visually striking design.

The Kinematic Konnection garment, with its intricate piecing of translucent acrylic elements, pushes the boundaries of form, fashion, and functionality. It is a testament to Vescovi's creativity and her ability to create a design that resonates with the struggles and aspirations of the ballet industry.


Image #1: Patrick Cox

Optional Image #2: Patrick Cox

Optional Image #3: Patrick Cox

Optional Image #4: Patrick Cox

Optional Image #5: Patrick Cox

Film Credits: Patrick Cox

Awards and Accolades:

This Design was awarded Iron in A' Fashion, Apparel and Garment Design Award in 2022. The Iron A' Design Award recognizes well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. The Kinematic Konnection garment stands out for its integration of industry best practices, competent technical characteristics, and its contribution to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Anna Vescovi
Image Credits: Image #1 : Patrick Cox Optional Image #2: Patrick Cox Optional Image #3: Patrick Cox Optional Image #4: Patrick Cox Optional Image #5: Patrick Cox Film Credits: Patrick Cox
Project Team Members: Garment/Art Direction: Anna Vescovi Photography & Editing: Patrick Cox Photography Assistant: Emerson Scheerer Talent: Chloe Hill
Project Name: Kinematic Konnection
Project Client: Anna Vescovi

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Kinematic Konnection IMG #5

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