The Engravings on Mount Yi: Experimental Font Design by Jialiang Jing

Unveiling the Beauty of Chinese Traditional Culture

Tablet inscription calligraphy is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. Jialiang Jing's project, "The Engravings on Mount Yi," takes inspiration from the lost stone tablets of Mount Yi and presents an innovative design that breathes new life into this ancient art form.

Jialiang Jing's design project revolves around the concept of cobbling together the book "Yi Mountain Carved Stone" as the design language, offering a fresh interpretation of traditional culture. The original stone tablets may be lost, but their style and artistic significance remain unparalleled. The aim of this design is to extract the essence from the complexity and find a breakthrough that allows tradition to be reinterpreted in a new light.

What sets "The Engravings on Mount Yi" apart is its focus on font standardization design, information visualization design, poster form exploration, and augmented reality (AR) experience. Mount Yi's stone tablets played a crucial role in Qin Shihuang's unification of China, as they established the standard xiaozhuan font for writing. Similar to the modern-day Xinhua Dictionary, these tablets standardized characters and writing styles.

The realization of this design involved various techniques, including font standardization design, information visualization design, poster form exploration, and AR experience technology. The project primarily takes the form of a web presentation, complemented by paper posters and 3D models.

One of the highlights of "The Engravings on Mount Yi" is its interaction with the audience. The poster provides basic information about the font found in "Yi Shan Shi," and by scanning the QR code, people can explore a 3D model of the font, adding an element of fun to the experience.

The project commenced in September 2021 in Liaoning, China, and concluded in October. It will be exhibited at the Museum of Chinese Characters in November 2021, offering visitors a glimpse into the rich history and beauty of Chinese traditional compiled fonts.

Jialiang Jing's research for this project involved an in-depth study of ancient characters, particularly Chinese seal characters. By analyzing the structure, writing, and cutting techniques of characters found on the Mount Yi stone tablets, Jing aimed to unlock the mysteries of these ancient symbols. The project has garnered significant attention from individuals interested in traditional culture, who view this research as both meaningful and fascinating, akin to a dictionary etched in stone.

Overcoming creative, technical, and research challenges was an integral part of this project. The meticulous consideration and design of the font structure required substantial time and effort for each character. Additionally, the information visualization design was thoughtfully executed, and the inclusion of augmented reality technology adds a captivating dimension to the project.

"The Engravings on Mount Yi" has been recognized for its ingenuity and creativity, receiving the Bronze A' Design Award in the Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design category in 2022. This prestigious award celebrates designs that embody resourcefulness and authenticity, incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology. By contributing to improvements in quality of life, Jialiang Jing's design truly makes the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Jialiang Jing
Image Credits: Jialiang Jing
Project Team Members: Designer: Jialiang Jing Creative Director:Xinlei Bai
Project Name: The Engravings on Mount Yi
Project Client: Jialiang Jing

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