Belly Preg: A Comprehensive Pregnancy Tracking App

Ekaterina Pine's Award-Winning Design Offers Unique Features for Expectant Mothers

Ekaterina Pine's Belly Preg, a mobile application designed to assist women during pregnancy, has been recognized with a Silver A' Mobile Technologies, Applications and Software Design Award in 2022. The app, inspired by Pine's personal experiences, offers a comprehensive suite of features to monitor physical changes and baby's development, providing a unique and essential tool for expectant mothers.

Ekaterina Pine embarked on the design journey for Belly Preg based on her personal experiences during pregnancy. She wanted to create an application that would help women track their pregnancy and maintain a balanced lifestyle during this critical period. The design process began with a thorough competitor analysis, followed by interviews and surveys. This meticulous research allowed Pine to create a persona, user journey map, and other artifacts, which were instrumental in shaping the final product.

What sets Belly Preg apart from other pregnancy apps is its comprehensive monitoring system. It tracks every physical change in the expectant mother and every stage of the baby's development. The app provides access to relevant information authored by various specialists and allows users to visualize the size of the baby by comparing it to everyday objects. It also offers checklists for each trimester, and tools for monitoring weight, blood pressure, and water intake. A unique feature is the kick calculator, which helps keep track of the baby's movements.

The application was developed using various software programs, including Miro, Figma, Figma Jam, and Coda for research, and Photoshop and Figma for interface design. The app is designed for iOS platforms and is adaptable to many different resolutions and screen types. The prototype submitted for the award was designed for iPhone X.

The design process was not without its challenges. One of the most difficult stages was understanding the user needs and developing the user journey map. However, the end result is an application that prepares women for childbirth and motherhood, potentially reducing stress levels and increasing the likelihood of healthy births.

Belly Preg is a testament to Ekaterina Pine's dedication to creating a user-friendly, comprehensive tool for expectant mothers. The application's unique features and intuitive design have earned it a well-deserved Silver A' Mobile Technologies, Applications and Software Design Award in 2022. This prestigious award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise and innovation.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ekaterina Pine
Image Credits: Image #1: Macrovector - (flushdesign), Freepik - (flushdesign), Image #2: Xamtiw - (flushdesign), Katemangostar - (flushdesign) Image #3: Freepik - (flushdesign), Bunnyhop - (flushdesign) Image #4:Freepik - (flushdesign), Valeria_Aksakova - (flushdesign), Africa Studio - (flushdesign), Schantalao - (flushdesign), Image #5: Kseniajoyg - Video Credits: RODNAE Productions,, Ekaterina Pine PDF document: Ekaterina Pine
Project Team Members: Ekaterina Pine
Project Name: Belly Preg
Project Client: Ekaterina Pine

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Belly Preg IMG #5

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