Soundview: A Ferry Terminal and Market Inspired by Parisian Architecture

Intimate and Innovative Design by Shiyan Chen

The Soundview project, designed by Shiyan Chen, draws inspiration from the old, vivid streetscape of Paris described by Emile Zola in his book The Belly of Paris. This mixed-use design combines an outdoor market, a commuter ferry terminal, and incubator spaces for restaurant industry entrepreneurs.

The Soundview project stands out with its unique approach to blending architecture, functionality, and community engagement. The design features three building volumes clustered along the waterfront in Soundview, Bronx, creating an intimate semi-enclosed courtyard for an outdoor market and public events. This innovative concept allows for a seamless flow between the market and the waterfront, enhancing the overall experience for visitors.

The ground level of the complex is divided into individual spaces, including a warehouse, event and administrative areas, and a ferry waiting room. This layout ensures efficient utilization of space while providing designated areas for different functions. The upper levels of the three buildings are connected, offering naturally-lit spaces for small business incubation, offices, and storage. This arrangement promotes collaboration and productivity among entrepreneurs and fosters a sense of community.

The realization of the Soundview project required careful consideration of its unique requirements. The design incorporates a cantilevered structure supported by a space frame system and fanning columns. This innovative approach allows for the creation of a large, open connected space on the upper level, optimizing productivity and communication among the incubators.

One of the main challenges faced during the design process was integrating the diverse program elements into a cohesive complex that takes full advantage of its waterfront location. The design successfully achieves this by seamlessly blending the market and ferry terminal functions, creating a fluid connection between indoor and outdoor spaces. The result is an intimate outdoor space that transitions into a vast, open indoor area, providing visitors with a unique and memorable experience.

The Soundview project serves as a vital hub for commuters taking the Soundview ferry to their workplaces across New York City. In the morning, commuters gather in the waiting room at the east end of the complex, eagerly anticipating their journey. After a day of work, they stroll through the outdoor plaza towards the waterfront market, supporting local produce and creative products developed by the food incubators housed on the upper level. The underpass at the west end of the complex leads them towards their homes or local public transit stops, completing their journey.

The Soundview project was conceived in the fall of 2017 and is located in Soundview, Bronx, New York City. The design team, led by Shiyan Chen, conducted extensive research to capture the essence of intimate, informal markets within a dense urban fabric. The use of a variety of materials in the paneling system reflects the historical patina and material diversity described by Emile Zola in The Belly of Paris.

This exceptional design has been recognized with the prestigious Bronze A' Design Award in the Architecture, Building, and Structure Design category in 2022. This award celebrates designs that showcase outstanding creativity, technical skill, and resourcefulness. The Soundview project exemplifies the integration of art, science, design, and technology, contributing to the improvement of quality of life and making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Shiyan Chen
Image Credits: Shiyan Chen
Project Team Members: Shiyan Chen
Project Name: Soundview Ferry Terminal
Project Client: Shiyan Chen

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