Nuogao Art: A Multi-Dimensional Perception of Art and Home

Breaking the Mold of Traditional Exhibition Spaces

Nuogao Art, designed by Chen Fengfeng and Jiang Baoyi, is a commercial space that challenges the conventional display forms of stacked products in home exhibition halls. By reshaping the space through the lens of "perception," Nuogao Art creates a multi-dimensional humanistic experience that combines art and home.

Everything about Nuogao Art is designed from the perspective of the user and their life, breaking free from the constraints of rigid thinking. This project is a complete transformation and upgrade of the home life pavilion, repositioning its direction and spatial display form. The result is a warm and inviting space that captures the essence of art and home.

The realization of Nuogao Art involved the use of surface embedding and excision techniques to create a unique spatial form. The integration of this form allows for both shielding and penetration, creating an effective and engaging spatial guidance. The movement of the space is carefully planned, and architectural expression techniques are employed to ensure visual continuity and coherence.

Spanning an impressive 1050 square meters, Nuogao Art serves as a furniture exhibition hall and commercial exhibition space, as well as an art gallery and modern home. Its progressive dimensions, from the outside to the inside, guide visitors through a multi-dimensional journey. The depth of the space presents a captivating visual experience, allowing the products to shine while serving the needs of everyday life.

Nuogao Art was completed in May 2021 in Foshan, Guangdong Province. The design process involved extensive research and exploration of moving lines within the space, as well as the application of architectural expression techniques to ensure visual continuity. The goal was to create a space that showcases the independence of the products while highlighting their symbiotic relationship with the environment. The result is a design that seamlessly integrates into daily life, creating a natural and tasteful style that encourages multiple perceptions.

One of the biggest challenges in designing Nuogao Art was finding the balance between Western classical and modern elements, as well as incorporating the expression of Chinese garden borrowing. The aim was to create a space that reflects the perception of the future home. The harmonious coexistence of multiple home products and the space itself was a significant test of the design process, but ultimately, it successfully met the vision of a future home that embraces diverse perceptions.

Nuogao Art connects the perception of space, art, and nature, reshaping the dimensions of space through the lens of perception. It offers an immersive spatial experience through open, flowing, and comprehensive spaces, utilizing modernism and curved surface design language to create a visually striking environment. The integration of multiple forms and the careful balance between furnishings and space result in a natural and elegant style that embodies the perception of diversity.


Image #1: Photographer Archie, Nohun Art Commercial Exhibition Hall, 2021

Image #2: Photographer Archie, Nohun Art Commercial Exhibition Hall, 2021

Image #3: Photographer Archie, Nohun Art Commercial Exhibition Hall, 2021

Image #4: Photographer Archie, Nohun Art Commercial Exhibition Hall, 2021

Image #5: Photographer Archie, Nohun Art Commercial Exhibition Hall, 2021

Awards and Accolades:

This design was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the A' Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2022. The Bronze A' Design Award recognizes designs that demonstrate outstanding creativity and resourcefulness, incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology. These designs contribute to improving the quality of life and making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Chen Fengfeng,Jiang Baoyi
Image Credits: Image #1: photographer Archie, Nohun Art Commercial Exhibition Hall, 2021. Image #2: photographer Archie, Nohun Art Commercial Exhibition Hall, 2021. Image #3: photographer Archie, Nohun Art Commercial Exhibition Hall, 2021. Image #4: photographer Archie, Nohun Art Commercial Exhibition Hall, 2021. Image #5: photographer Archie, Nohun Art Commercial Exhibition Hall, 2021.
Project Team Members: Chen Fengfeng, Jiang Baoyi
Project Name: Nuogao Art
Project Client: Chen Fengfeng,Jiang Baoyi

Nuogao Art IMG #2
Nuogao Art IMG #3
Nuogao Art IMG #4
Nuogao Art IMG #5
Nuogao Art IMG #5

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