Carbon Research: A Design for Eco-Protection

Bringing Together Earth and Carbon to Promote Carbon Neutrality

Carbon Research is an international, top-tier academic journal that aims to promote the cause of human eco-protection. With its brand identity centered around the earth and carbon atomic structure, this design conveys the values of carbon neutrality and environmental sustainability.

Carbon Research's logo is a unique representation of its mission. By merging the earth's latitudes with electronic tracks, the design symbolizes the bounds of thought and fosters more communication. The surrounding and symmetrical structure reflect the image of a cohesive academic community, united in their commitment to eco-protection.

The choice of using the earth as the core element of the brand identity is not arbitrary. Research has shown that visual symbols with broad consensus can evoke a common memory and establish a unified perception of a certain figure. The earth, being a universally recognized symbol, conveys the concept of eco-friendliness and social responsibility. It also signifies the international and reliable nature of Carbon Research.

One of the challenges faced by the design team was to incorporate elements of carbon and environmental protection while ensuring the logo's deeper significance in brand positioning. Through systematic and unified thinking, the team successfully combined the earth and carbon atomic structure, creating a design that not only represents the journal's values but also resonates with its target audience.

The versatility of this design allows it to be printed on various mediums, including magazine covers and other physical products. With a minimal size requirement of 20mm x 5mm, the logo can be easily reproduced without compromising its visual impact.

The Carbon Research design project was initiated in January 2022 and completed in February 2022 in Beijing, China. The design team, consisting of Yingfei Sun, Hao Huang, Qian Hao, Haining Jiang, Xu Chen, Rong Zhang, Wushuang Li, and Fengchang Wu, worked tirelessly to bring this vision to life.

This exceptional design has been recognized with the Bronze A' Design Award in the Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication category. This prestigious award celebrates designs that exhibit strong technical and creative skills, contributing to improvements in quality of life. Carbon Research's design not only showcases ingenuity but also serves as a reminder of our collective responsibility to protect the environment.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: sxdesign
Image Credits: Sxdesign
Project Team Members: Yingfei Sun Hao Huang Qian Hao Haining Jiang Xu Chen Rong Zhang Wushuang Li Fengchang Wu
Project Name: Carbon Research
Project Client: sxdesign

Carbon Research IMG #2
Carbon Research IMG #3
Carbon Research IMG #4
Carbon Research IMG #5
Carbon Research IMG #5

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