Remoltra Remote Ultrasound System

Telemedicine Device Revolutionizing Home Medical Testing

With the chaos in the world making it unsafe for people to visit hospitals, especially the aged and disabled, the Remoltra Remote Ultrasound System offers a solution. Designed by Jiannan Wang, this innovative telemedicine device allows for professional medical tests and diagnoses to be conducted in the comfort of one's home.

The Remoltra Remote Ultrasound System is a color doppler ultrasound diagnostic system that addresses the challenges faced by individuals who cannot go to the hospital or have a doctor visit their home. By sending a domestic testing device to the patient's home, this system ensures that no one is left without the care they need. Through IoT technology, doctors can operate the imaging device in the hospital and remotely control the probe on the home device, enabling them to conduct professional tests and make precise diagnoses.

One of the unique features of the Remoltra Remote Ultrasound System is its force feedback technology. This allows doctors to feel the real resistance that the probe on the home device senses, providing them with crucial tactile feedback to know when to stop pressing the patient's skin. By combining color doppler ultrasound imaging technology with IoT connectivity and force feedback, this system offers a comprehensive and reliable solution for remote medical testing and diagnosis.

The Remoltra Remote Ultrasound System consists of two devices: an imaging device located in the hospital and a home device that is sent to the patient's home. The hospital imaging device measures 1300mm x 830mm x 710mm, while the home device measures 498mm x 378mm x 500mm. The home device is placed over the patient's upper torso, and the doctor, using a touch screen interface, controls the probe's position remotely. The doctor holds a force feedback pen that mimics the resistance felt by the probe, allowing for a realistic examination experience.

This project, initiated in March 2022 in Changsha and Qinhuangdao, China, is still in the development phase. The technology inside the Remoltra Remote Ultrasound System is continuously evolving, and it requires recognition from prestigious design awards to secure the necessary resources for its realization.

Extensive research was conducted to understand the needs of special groups of people, such as the aged and disabled, who require professional medical tests and diagnoses at home. This research involved studying their behaviors at home and the usual ultrasound diagnostic processes conducted in hospitals. Existing ultrasound testing solutions on the market were also analyzed to identify their drawbacks and advantages. The result is a concept for a testing system consisting of two devices, with a unique service design and diagnostic process.

One of the main challenges faced during the development of the Remoltra Remote Ultrasound System was creating a real-time force feedback system. Ensuring minimal delay between the operation of the force feedback pen on the imaging device in the hospital and the response of the probe on the home device was crucial for a seamless user experience. Through IoT technology, the system achieves real-time feedback, providing patients with the best possible experience.

The Remoltra Remote Ultrasound System is a groundbreaking design that offers a convenient ultrasound testing solution for the aged and disabled. By eliminating the need for hospital visits or home visits from doctors, this system empowers individuals to take control of their healthcare. With its unique features and innovative approach, the Remoltra Remote Ultrasound System is set to revolutionize home medical testing.

Image Credits: Jiannan Wang, Remoltra, 2022.

Video Credits: Jiannan Wang, Remoltra, 2022.

Awards and Accolades: The Remoltra Remote Ultrasound System was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the A' Idea and Conceptual Design category in 2023. This prestigious award recognizes well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. The Remoltra Remote Ultrasound System stands out for its integration of industry best practices, competent technical characteristics, and contribution to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Liang Zhang, Jiannan Wang
Image Credits: #1: Creator Jiannan Wang, Remoltra, 2022. #2: Creator Jiannan Wang, Remoltra, 2022. #3: Creator Jiannan Wang, Remoltra, 2022. #4: Creator Jiannan Wang, Remoltra, 2022. #5: Creator Jiannan Wang, Remoltra, 2022. Video Credits: Creator Jiannan Wang, Remoltra, 2022.
Project Team Members: Liang Zhang, Jiannan Wang
Project Name: Remoltra
Project Client: Liang Zhang, Jiannan Wang

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