Rock Fire Praise: A Culinary Journey Back in Time

Yuquan Li's Award-Winning Design Fuses History and Gastronomy in a Unique Dining Experience

Yuquan Li's Rock Fire Praise, a Japanese barbecue restaurant in Shantou, Guangdong Province, China, is a unique blend of history, art, and gastronomy. Inspired by ancient petroglyphs and the Japanese culinary pursuit of the original beauty of food ingredients, the restaurant provides a dining experience that stimulates the senses and arouses the appetite.

The design of Rock Fire Praise draws its inspiration from the petroglyphs of human ancestors making a fire and roasting meat painted 12,000 years ago in the Altamira caves, Iberian Peninsula. The restaurant's theme, "carnivorous justice," is a nod to this primordial concept. The dining area simulates the cavern and furnace, creating an environment that arouses the primal desire for meat.

What sets Rock Fire Praise apart is its tranquil yet eruptive style. The color scheme of red and black symbolizes rock and fire, while the Japanese style soft furnishings convey the brand philosophy. The interaction between the contrasting colors brings a strong visual impact, inducing customers' primal desire for meat.

Yuquan Li used rough surfaced fumed oak and unevenly porous volcanic rock as the main materials for the project. These materials add a sense of historical richness and authenticity due to their natural texture and defects. The second floor uses bamboo fences, wooden hedges, and Japanese shoji doors to arrange and divide the space, adding more historical richness and authenticity while neutralizing the sternness of the first floor.

The restaurant offers a variable psychological experience through scene simulation. Decorations of Japanese style ink writing and samurai swords evoke emotional responses from customers and awaken their vision for justice. The Knife of Justice, placed at the fringe of the sight, symbolizes the defense of justice and provides a peaceful dining place.

The design of the project began in May 2020 and opened for business in October 2020 in the Shang Hai Sunshine Garden apartment complex in Longhu District, Shantou, Guangdong Province, China. The project faced the challenge of balancing the brand concept "carnivorous justice" with modern healthy diet trends. However, through scene simulation and the sense of historical richness, the project was able to arouse customer interest and inspire their desire for meat and reflection of justice.

Rock Fire Praise was awarded Silver in A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2023. This prestigious award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. The award is a testament to Yuquan Li's ability to create a unique and engaging dining experience that fuses history, art, and gastronomy.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yuquan Li, Xinyu Zhang
Image Credits: Yuquan Li, Xinyu Zhang
Project Team Members: Yuquan Li, Xinyu Zhang
Project Name: Rock Fire Praise
Project Client: Yuquan Li, Xinyu Zhang

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