The Kaleidoscope: An Architectural Marvel by Inrestudio

Vietnamese Architecture Meets Innovation in Office and Residence Design

Discover The Kaleidoscope, a unique architectural project by Inrestudio that combines traditional Vietnamese elements with innovative design techniques to create a sustainable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing office and residence space.

Inrestudio, a renowned design team, drew inspiration from the Non La, a traditional Vietnamese farmer's hat, to create The Kaleidoscope. This unique building, located in central Vietnam, is designed to withstand the region's harsh climate, which includes hot winds in the dry season and typhoons and floods during the rainy season. The building's design allows for natural ventilation and offers a protected space from the tropical climate, enhancing the user's contact with nature.

The Kaleidoscope stands out for its innovative use of perforated ventilation blocks, a common building element in tropical regions. These custom precast blocks form the outer surfaces of the solid volumes, providing privacy to the inner rooms. The blocks, larger than usual, match the grand scale of the surrounding backdrop and were interlocked on site by pouring concrete into their cavities.

Under a single roof, The Kaleidoscope houses various functions organized by seven triangular volumes that define private and common spaces. The interior of the volumes accommodates closed functions such as bedrooms and private offices, while the space between the volumes holds gathering functions such as the central office and parlors.

The project, which began in 2017 in Saigon and was completed in 2022 in Quang Binh, Vietnam, is part of the Tropical Office Projects series. This series aims to discover location-specific design languages for modern office buildings, moving away from the imported style of modern office buildings that fail to adapt to the local climate.

The construction of The Kaleidoscope was a challenging process carried out by a mixed team of experienced builders from Saigon and local farmer-builders with little experience. This process led to the evolution of local workmanship and showcased the potential of rural construction.

In recognition of its innovative design and technical excellence, The Kaleidoscope was awarded Silver in A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2023. This prestigious award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Kosuke Nishijima
Image Credits: #1: Photographer Hiroyuki Oki, non-title, 2022 #2: Photographer Hiroyuki Oki, non-title, 2022 #3: Photographer Hiroyuki Oki, non-title, 2022 #4: Photographer Hiroyuki Oki, non-title, 2022 #5: Photographer Hiroyuki Oki, non-title, 2022
Project Team Members: Nguyen Quynh Han Vo Hanh Nhan
Project Name: The Kaleidoscope
Project Client: Kosuke Nishijima

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The Kaleidoscope IMG #3
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The Kaleidoscope IMG #5

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