Groove Dance: A Curved Apartment Design

Embracing Rhythm and Movement

The Groove Dance apartment, designed by Ding Jia Chen and Yu Chiao Chou, brings the rhythm of dance into a living space through its unique curved design. With irregular curved lines, layered ceilings, and sloping flooring patterns, this apartment creates a visual effect that embodies the essence of groove.

The entire space of the Groove Dance apartment is designed on curved lines, using a smooth and elegant structure to shape the ceiling and integrate different areas. The curved and slanted lines create directionality, guiding the movement and flow of the space. By breaking away from the traditional square shape, the apartment exudes a sense of fluidity and dynamism.

The master bedroom features a curved design that embraces the bed, creating a gentle and cozy atmosphere. The use of bronze metallic materials and blue reflective bandages on the walls creates a dance floor-like effect. At night, with dim lighting, the space exudes an understated luxury.

The versatility of the space is enhanced through thoughtful design choices. The guest room door, for example, is a movable curved glass door that can be used as a screen or fully opened to extend the dining and living areas. When closed, it provides privacy and transforms the space into a private sleeping room with a lift-up bed.

The Groove Dance apartment is located in Taichung City and was constructed between May and October 2020. The design challenges were overcome by incorporating three different ceiling heights to improve the visual rhythm and eliminate the oppressiveness of large beams. The lighting design and use of reflective materials create a natural and lively dance effect, adding a modern touch to the space.

The Groove Dance apartment is a testament to the creativity and resourcefulness of Ding Jia Chen and Yu Chiao Chou. Their design has been recognized with the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2023. This award acknowledges their outstanding and ingenious design, which incorporates best practices in art, science, design, and technology, ultimately contributing to an improved quality of life.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ding Jia Chen / Yu Chiao Chou
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Ar Her Kuo Photography, Groove Dance, 2020. Image #2: Photographer Ar Her Kuo Photography, Groove Dance, 2020. Image #3: Photographer Ar Her Kuo Photography, Groove Dance, 2020. Image #4: Photographer Ar Her Kuo Photography, Groove Dance, 2020. Image #5: Photographer Ar Her Kuo Photography, Groove Dance, 2020.
Project Team Members: Design Director: DingJia Chen Design Director: YuChiao Chou
Project Name: Groove Dance
Project Client: Ding Jia Chen / Yu Chiao Chou

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