Mohanii: A Fusion of Oriental Spirit and Modern Design

Wei Sun's Award-Winning Brand Identity Design

Unveiling Mohanii, an innovative brand identity design by Wei Sun that seamlessly blends oriental spirit with modern aesthetics. Inspired by Chinese ink and wash, this design has been awarded the prestigious Silver A' Design Award in 2023.

Wei Sun's inspiration for Mohanii draws from the Chinese ink and wash technique, resulting in a brand symbol that exudes vitality and "sportiness". The design is a postmodern abstraction, based on fashionable geometric shapes and infused with oriental culture. The outcome is a visual image that balances avant-garde artistry with commercial recognition, interpreting black and white classics in a fresh, contemporary light.

The unique properties of the Mohanii logo lie in its simplicity and international appeal. The logo is dominated by English, reflecting a global tonality. It is simplified and linked through the image of Chinese calligraphy, with the letter "M" innovatively used as the core identification symbol. The design integrates the oriental humanistic spirit, forming a unified image energy field through visual layers.

The realization of Mohanii's design is deeply rooted in its cultural significance. The "M" corresponds to ink, the spiritual carrier of the brand. The design implants cultural genes into the brand identity, resulting in a unique texture and extended vitality. The logo can be repeated, broken up, composed, and integrated into abstract oriental elements, making it adaptable to any medium.

The design process of Mohanii faced two significant challenges. The first was to creatively excavate a unique brand visual language in an international style, implant the brand cultural genes, and establish a differentiated, exclusive, and recognizable industry identity. The second challenge was to build a bridge of communication between the brand and users, conveying the cultural connotation behind the fashion products.

Mohanii is a fashion pioneer brand positioned at the core of the oriental spirit. The designer's vision was to provide consumers with fresh experiences through visual innovation, actively exploring the possibilities between aesthetics and commerce. The result is a new fashion brand identity that is unique and avant-garde, giving the brand a unique charm.

All copyrights of Mohanii belong to DOTONE Brand Design, 2020. The design was realized in Shenzhen, starting in December 2020 and completed in July 2021. The project was awarded Silver in the A' Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design Award in 2023, a testament to its outstanding expertise and innovation.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Wei Sun
Image Credits: Image #1-#5 Designer,Wei Sun,2020 Designer,Mingran Wu,2020
Project Team Members: Wei Sun
Project Name: Mohanii
Project Client: Wei Sun

Mohanii IMG #2
Mohanii IMG #3
Mohanii IMG #4
Mohanii IMG #5
Mohanii IMG #5

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