Haisi Resort: A Stunning Fusion of Tradition and Luxury

Recreating the Charm of a Century-Old Water Town in Fuzhou

As a business card and landmark of cultural tourism in Fuzhou, the Haisi Resort is inspired by the ancient heritage of Fujian. This resort inherits the architectural characteristics of the southern Fujian house, combining high-rise roof ridges, carved beams and pillars, and wall brick reliefs to form a unique southern Fujian architectural courtyard.

Located in the River Town in Fujian, China, the Haisi Resort is a testament to the local culture and a faithful reproduction of the style of a century-old water town in Fuzhou. As the highest standard administrative room in the entire water town, the project adopts courtyard-style buildings and integrates southern Fujian culture, resulting in a gorgeous and stunning experience.

The executive room of the resort features a three-entry space layout. The first entry space serves as the drop-off area, while the second entry leads to the bedroom area. The symmetrical arrangement of the bedroom places the bed facing the courtyard, making the scenery the focal point of sight. The ceiling height restores the original appearance of the building, using traditional purlins to interpret the antique flavor of southern Fujian architecture. The three entrances are courtyards, creating a space filled with greenery.

The project is formed by several staggered courtyards, creating an enclosed and private space. Each courtyard serves as an independent guest room area with an exclusive courtyard landscape. The overall executive room adopts a soft and warm wooden tone, complemented by brilliant and gorgeous brown and gold accents, creating a royal ambiance. The partition and ceiling harmoniously unify the space.

The furniture in the Haisi Resort echoes the local big houses in southern Fujian. Luxurious lacquer paintings showcase the inheritance of handicrafts, while exquisite wood carvings highlight the unique charm of southern Fujian furniture. The intricate patterns and fine textures add to the brilliance of Southern Fujian culture.

Recreating the ancient local buildings posed a challenge for the designers. The traditional furniture in southern Fujian is known for its ingenious and gorgeous decoration, with strong three-dimensional effects and grandeur. Window lattices are intricately engraved with flowers and birds, while lacquer paintings on screens exude luxury and exquisiteness. To simulate the ancient local buildings, furniture and cabinet doors are adorned with traditional craftsmanship, such as mother-of-pearl inlay work and lacquer. Background paintings depict the vicissitudes of life, enhancing the cultural charm of the guest rooms.

Combining traditional patterns with modern reconstruction, the Haisi Resort stands as a testament to the rich local culture and a faithful reproduction of a century-old water town in Fuzhou. This exceptional design has been recognized for its excellence, receiving the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2023. This prestigious award is bestowed upon outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that authenticate experience and resourcefulness, contributing to quality of life improvements and making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Nan Zheng
Image Credits: Nan Zheng
Project Team Members: Nan Zheng
Project Name: Haisi
Project Client: Nan Zheng

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