Rsvp: A Secure and Inclusive Virtual Event Platform

Connecting People and Fostering Community During the Pandemic

Rsvp is a unique branding project that aims to provide a secure and trusted environment for casual online gatherings among friend groups, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rsvp is an innovative virtual event platform designed by Jiyun Kim. Inspired by the challenges posed by the pandemic, Rsvp addresses the need for virtual event planning, improving relationships, and promoting togetherness during these challenging times. With its invite-only system and inclusive design, Rsvp offers a secure and trusted environment for online events.

The unique properties of the Rsvp platform include its invite-only system, which safeguards participants against imposters online. This system ensures that only those invited by their acquaintances are permitted to gather, providing a secure and trusted environment for online events. The logomark of Rsvp is an expression of diversity and interconnectedness. It features entwined typefaces with connecting lines, linking squares, and wide letters. The symbol is based on the virtual meeting screen and varies depending on the number of attendees, reinforcing the idea of inclusivity.

Guests attending Rsvp online gatherings can interact with others, order shared items, and enjoy various activities such as chat, games, and music. The platform enhances the virtual event experience, fostering engagement and community. Invited guests can also extend the invitation to others by sharing their unique links, promoting inclusivity and community building.

The Rsvp project took place in the spring of 2022 in Korea, the US, and the UK, and was conducted entirely online. It serves as a model for secure and inclusive virtual gatherings, connecting people from different locations with shared interests.

This innovative design is backed by research exploring the impact of the Rsvp platform on social connectedness during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants attend online gatherings via the invite-only system and complete pre- and post-gathering surveys. The study aims to provide insights into the role of online gatherings in reducing isolation and fostering a sense of community.

Rsvp has been recognized for its excellence and innovation, receiving the Iron A' Design Award in 2023 in the Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design category. This prestigious award is given to well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. Rsvp's design integrates industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, contributing to a better world.

Rsvp is not just a virtual event platform; it is a solution that brings people together, fosters connections, and promotes a sense of community during these challenging times. With its secure and inclusive design, Rsvp is revolutionizing the way we gather and interact online.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Lia Jiyun Kim
Image Credits: Lia Jiyun Kim
Project Team Members: Lia Jiyun Kim
Project Name: Rsvp
Project Client: Lia Jiyun Kim

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