The Woody Aroma of Cypress

Residential Design by Yu-Shan Liu

Inspired by the connection between the owner and the geographical environment, the value of the space is created by several natural materials and collections. The Cypress-filled flat is designed for a couple in the capital of Taiwan, with openness and elegance. The 225 square meters apartment is filled with the clients' precious historical treasures from the floor to the ceiling, both decorative and practical.

The Woody Aroma of Cypress, a residential design by Yu-Shan Liu, showcases the seamless integration of natural materials and personal collections. Located in the heart of Taipei, Taiwan, this 225 square meters apartment is a testament to the beauty and warmth of wood.

The design concept was born out of the couple's love for wood sculpture art and their desire to bring the essence of nature into their home. The interior is a harmonious blend of different styles and colors, all centered around the timeless elements of wood and stone. The project took 8 months to complete, as the team carefully refurbished the apartment to showcase the clients' precious historical treasures.

One of the standout features of the design is the TV wall, adorned with a rare Tiffany Blue Marble from Brazil. This elegant touch elevates the space and sets the tone for the entire apartment. Wood is used extensively throughout, from the ceiling to the floor, creating a sense of continuity and warmth. Wood cabinetry not only provides ample storage but also adds a touch of design to the space.

The centerpiece of the dining area is a Cypress dining table, perfect for entertaining guests while exuding a natural and humanistic atmosphere. The combination of stone and wood symbolizes solidity and warmth, creating a space that perfectly reflects the character of its owners.

Throughout the design process, the team faced the challenge of incorporating a large amount of wood into a modern, uncluttered space. However, through careful planning and attention to detail, they were able to strike the perfect balance, resulting in a design that is both beautiful and functional.

The Woody Aroma of Cypress is a testament to the power of natural materials and personal connection in creating a truly unique and inviting living space. By seamlessly blending wood, stone, and personal collections, Yu-Shan Liu has created a design that not only reflects the owners' love for nature but also provides a warm and welcoming environment.

Awards and Accolades: This Design was awarded Bronze in A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2023. The Bronze A' Design Award recognizes outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that authenticate experience and resourcefulness. Esteemed for incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology, they exhibit strong technical and creative skills and contribute to quality of life improvements, making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yu-Shan Liu
Image Credits: Yu-Shan Liu
Project Team Members: Yu-Shan Liu
Project Name: The Woody Aroma of Cypress
Project Client: Yu-Shan Liu

The Woody Aroma of Cypress  IMG #2
The Woody Aroma of Cypress  IMG #3
The Woody Aroma of Cypress  IMG #4
The Woody Aroma of Cypress  IMG #5
The Woody Aroma of Cypress  IMG #5

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