Revolutionizing Furniture Design: The Tai Side Table

Award-Winning Design Inspired by Oriental Aesthetics and Sustainable Practices

In a world increasingly conscious of environmental impact, Sunriu Design introduces the Tai Side Table, a unique creation that marries form, function, and sustainability. Inspired by the iconic Luce Chapel by IM Pei, this design is a testament to the innovative use of materials and the potential of upcycling in contemporary furniture design.

The Tai Side Table, a product of Sunriu Design, is a remarkable example of sustainable design. The table is crafted from retired substation metal sheets, a material choice that not only lends a unique aesthetic but also contributes to the circular economy. The design process requires only laser cutting and bending, eliminating the need for costly molds and minimum production volumes. This approach aligns with the principles of digital manufacturing, where production can be as minimal as a single unit.

The design of the Tai Side Table is inspired by the Luce Chapel's exterior lines, evoking the image of praying hands, a common gesture in Eastern cultures. This inspiration is not merely aesthetic; it also informs the table's functionality. The central part of the table serves as a temporary place for books, eliminating the need for bookmarks. The table's structure, inspired by the butterfly stool, allows for the tabletop to be replaced with any material, offering the possibility of transformation into a low table or bench.

Despite the innovative use of materials and design, the production of the Tai Side Table was not without challenges. The discarded material required cleaning and rust removal before it could be used in production, a process that proved difficult to find assistance for in factories. However, the team at Sunriu Design persevered, demonstrating their commitment to sustainable practices and innovative design.

The Tai Side Table is not just a piece of furniture; it's a statement. It represents a shift from a linear economy to a circular one, a move that is crucial in addressing global warming and environmental pollution. By repurposing retired substation metal plates, the design extends the life of these materials, maximizes resource use, and reduces environmental impact. This commitment to sustainability and innovative design earned the Tai Side Table the Silver A' Furniture Design Award in 2023.

With its minimalist aesthetic, the Tai Side Table is versatile and can easily blend into various interior and exterior spaces. The metal edges are trimmed and round cornered, ensuring a pleasant touch when moving the table. The original lacquer of the transformer box can be retained or repainted, offering further customization options. The Tai Side Table is a testament to Sunriu Design's commitment to creating beautiful, eco-economical furniture that is easy to produce and assemble.

The Tai Side Table is a shining example of how design can contribute to a more sustainable future. It is a testament to Sunriu Design's commitment to innovation, sustainability, and the power of good design. As we move towards a future where sustainability is not just an option but a necessity, designs like the Tai Side Table will undoubtedly lead the way.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: SUNRIU Design
Image Credits: Jing Cyuan Tang, 2022.
Project Team Members: SUNRIU Design
Project Name: Tai
Project Client: SUNRIU Design

Tai IMG #2
Tai IMG #3
Tai IMG #4
Tai IMG #5
Tai IMG #5

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