Wabi Sabi: A Tranquil Retreat in the Heart of the City

Embracing the Essence of Japanese Zen Style

Wabi Sabi Resort, designed by Lorence Wang, offers a serene escape from the urban chaos, immersing guests in the beauty of Japanese Zen aesthetics. With its rustic gray stone features, solid wooden elements, and pastel green leafy hue, this design creates a tranquil oasis that celebrates the simplicity and imperfections of nature.

Responding to the owner's desire for a Japanese vacation atmosphere, Lorence Wang transformed the outdoor laundry and clothes drying area into an indoor hot spring bathroom. The result is a space that invites relaxation and rejuvenation, allowing guests to unwind and reconnect with their inner selves.

The design of Wabi Sabi Resort is characterized by its attention to detail and craftsmanship. By demolishing a solid wall that blocked the lines of sight, Wang created smooth flows and cozy layouts throughout the space. The use of Japanese shoji screens and sliding doors adds a touch of elegance and creates a perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality.

One of the unique features of this design is the integration of natural elements. The use of gray eco-friendly faux finishing on the facades and the main bedroom's bedside wall creates a calming atmosphere. The selection of gray marble for the foyer floor adds a touch of sophistication, while the use of balmy timbers and earth-toned furnishings throughout the other areas of the resort creates a warm and inviting ambiance.

The Wabi Sabi Resort covers an area of 59.508 square meters and was completed in January 2022 in Taiwan. The project posed several challenges, including complying with structural patterns and natural lighting direction to create visually appealing spaces. The incorporation of bamboo sliding doors, Japanese shoji screens, and bamboo roller blinds enhances the serene Zen-like vibes of the resort.

Recognizing the excellence and creativity of this design, Wabi Sabi Resort was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2023. This prestigious award acknowledges designs that demonstrate innovation, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving the quality of life.

Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and experience the tranquility of Wabi Sabi Resort. Let the soothing ambiance and natural vitality of this design transport you to a world of serenity and inner peace.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Lorence Wang
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Blake Wang, A Wabi Sabi Resort, 2022. Image #2: Photographer Blake Wang, A Wabi Sabi Resort, 2022. Image #3: Photographer Blake Wang, A Wabi Sabi Resort, 2022. Image #4: Photographer Blake Wang, A Wabi Sabi Resort, 2022. Image #5: Photographer Blake Wang, A Wabi Sabi Resort, 2022. Image #6: Photographer Blake Wang, A Wabi Sabi Resort, 2022.
Project Team Members: Designer: Lorence Wang Designer: Elson Wang
Project Name: Wabi Sabi
Project Client: Lorence Wang

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