272 Hedges Avenue Pedestal: A Masterpiece of Biologically-Informed Architecture

Contreras Earl Architecture's Innovative Design Merges Built and Natural Environments

272 Hedges Avenue Pedestal, a unique architectural marvel by Rafael Contreras and Monica Earl, is a testament to the harmonious blend of nature and technology. The design, inspired by the natural sculpting forces of wind and ocean, brings a human scale to the residential tower, creating a contextual connection with the surroundings. This biologically informed and digitally engineered structure stands as a beacon of innovation in the field of architecture.

The pedestal base of 272 Hedges Avenue in Gold Coast, Australia, is a two-story structure that offers a unique solution to the growing urbanization that separates humans from nature. The design merges the built and natural environments, enhancing the area and community. Contreras Earl Architecture has utilized advanced design techniques and products to create this masterpiece, contributing to the evolution of architecture and urban development.

The facade of the pedestal is a stainless-steel monocoque structure, original and complex in its conception, design, and execution. Its subtle curvatures resemble the crests and erosion of wind on sand, while the interior alludes to a rock cave naturally eroded by the ocean. This innovative and advanced architecture is imbued with warmth, soul, and artistry, making it a unique and site-specific solution.

The design process involved the use of a 6-millimetre stainless-steel monocoque that supports the loads and enables the structure to be a singular, stand-alone sculpture. The production of the pedestal was tendered to CIG Architecture in The Netherlands, an expert in complex 3D-formed steel constructions. The 120 panels were prefabricated at full scale and pre-assembled in The Netherlands before being fully assembled on-site in Australia.

The Pedestal offers an exceptional range of residential facilities, including a dedicated concierge service, a resident lounge, a boardroom, a function room, a 15-meter heated swimming pool, a spa, a gym, a sauna, a hammam steam room, and treatment rooms. The external facade was designed to be transportable, utilizing 40-foot and 20-foot shipping containers that were transported from the Netherlands to Australia and assembled on-site.

The design of the pedestal benefits pedestrians and the beachside area, connecting the natural and built environments. The stainless-steel skin can be touched and appreciated for its intricate details. The façade's subtle curvatures resemble wind patterns on sand and the interior evokes a naturally eroded rock cave. The pedestal's human scale and artistic design enhances the tower's beauty as a work of art. This type of contextual and sensitive architecture can improve people's lives and the future development of urban areas.

The 272 Hedges Avenue Pedestal has been recognized for its exceptional design and contribution to societal wellbeing, winning the Platinum A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2023. This award recognizes world-class, exceptional, and highly innovative designs that showcase unmatched professionalism, genius, and contribute to societal wellbeing. The award is given to designs that advance the boundaries of art, science, design, and technology, exhibiting transcendent excellence and making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Rafael Contreras
Image Credits: IMAGE #1: Photographer: Peter Sexty, 2022 IMAGE #2: Photographer: Peter Sexty, 2022 IMAGE #3: Photographer: Peter Sexty, 2022 IMAGE #4: Photographer: Peter Sexty, 2022 IMAGE #5: Photographer: Peter Sexty, 2022 Video Credits: Video: Filmed by - Hutchinson Builders, 2022 Editor: Dwayne Liu, 2022
Project Team Members: Rafael Contreras - Director / Lead Architect Monica Earl - Director / Lead Archtiect
Project Name: 272 Hedges Avenue Pedestal
Project Client: Rafael Contreras

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272 Hedges Avenue Pedestal IMG #4
272 Hedges Avenue Pedestal IMG #5
272 Hedges Avenue Pedestal IMG #5

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